Category Archives: Primary 3b 20/21

P3b Wednesday 13th

Good morning P3b,

what a great start to our week of home learning, it has been fantastic to see your lovely work.  I have been so impressed with everyone applying their heavenly handwriting in their homeschool work too!

Please remember to keep practicing our class poem for Scottish Fortnight. You can find this post on our class blog.

Please find attached todays learning.


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities


Task 1 
Write silly sentences using your phoneme words in each sentence and underline.

Task 2

If you have any old newspapers or magazines, use them to cut out letters to make your phoneme and tricky words. If you have paper and glue, you can glue the letters onto a piece of paper to spell your words.

Task 3

Use sign language to spell your phoneme words and your tricky words. Show your parents the wonderful learning we have been doing in class!

Don’t worry if you have forgotten the alphabet, you can follow the hyperlink to help you.


Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.

Incredible Illustrators and Wonderful Writers

Yesterday you read The Little Shepard boy, today you should read this again and create a different ending for the book. This can be a few sentences or a small paragraph draw a picture to show this different ending. Try to use a phoneme word and tricky word in your new ending.

Amazing Authors

Yesterday you read Three Bears, today you should read this again and create a different ending for the book.This can be a few sentences or a small paragraph draw a picture to show this different ending. Try to use a phoneme word and tricky word in your new ending.


Task 1

Before the holiday we did lots of work on our vertical addition with and without carrying, feel free to use concrete materials where you need them.

To remind you how we do this please watch this YouTube video

Complete this textbook page.

  • Remember to set out each sum as they are in question 1.

Task 2

Play shark numbers up to 99.

Your counting in 10s the past couple of days will help you with this task


Health and Wellbeing


Activity 1 – do 25 star jumps

Activity 2 – do 25 squats

Activity 3 – do 25 jumping jacks

Activity 4 – bend down, touch the ground and jump up, do this 25 times

Activity 5 – if you can do press ups, do 25 press ups


Task 2

Follow the link to enjoy a dance to Freeze


Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

P3b Tuesday 12th January

Hello P3b,

I loved seeing your fabulous work yesterday.

Please remember if you have any questions or are sending me work please email it to me at—

When sending me your fantastic work please wait until you have completed all tasks and send to me in one email.

Have a great day everyone. I look forward to seeing your work.

Today’s Learning


High Frequency Words This week’s tricky words are:

  • blue
  • best
  • number
  • other
  • come
  • from

Task 1

Read your tricky words saying each word out loud. If you have some paper, write each word 3 times and use each word in a sentence.

Task 2

Practice your new phoneme words – say, make/break, blend, read and write. If you have coloured pencils or pens, rainbow write your words making them as colourful as you can.

Task 3

Write a short paragraph using all of your tricky words and underline them.


Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.

Please remember to answer all questions in full sentences, use the questions to help with this eg:

  1. Where did the Fox and the Stork live?
  • The Fox and the Stork lived in the woods.


Incredible Illustrators and Wonderful Writers

Could you please read The Little Shepard Boy and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.

Amazing Authors

Could you please read The Three Bears and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.



Task 1

Complete these text book pages on a piece of paper if you have it.




 Task 2

Continue practicing counting in patterns use these YouTube clips to help you

  • Counting in 2s

  • Counting in 5s

  • Counting in 10s



When we are in school we place our names on the feelings board every morning and are able to talk throughout the week about how we feel such as scared, angry and happy.


  • Since we can’t see one another your task for today is draw a feelings monster on a piece of paper. This can take any form and should show how you are feeling, give your feeling monster a name and write a sentence telling me how you are feeling today.


As we would usually complete art related to our topic, why don’t you try and make your own origami birds that you could display in your room. Follow the hyperlink for your instructions

Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

P3B Scottish Fortnight

In celebration of Burns Night and our annual Scottish Fortnight, the children are being asked to learn a short Scottish poem.

Please remember, P3 take part in the whole school Scots Poetry Competition and the shortlisted 5 children will present their poem to the school, thereafter judging takes place to award a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for every class.

Please learn the following poem,

Twa Leggit Mice

My mither says that we hae mice
That open air-ticht tins
And eat her chocolate biscuits
And cakes and siclike things.

Nae doubt it is an awful shame
That mice should get the blame
It?s really me that rypes the tins
When left my lane at hame

But jings I get fair hungert
And biscuits taste sae nice
But dinna tell my mither for
She thinks it is the mice


Use the following tips to help your presentation –


  • Speak clearly and audibly, remember pace of delivery – don’t rush to finish!
  • Stand smart and don’t fidget
  • Face the audience and give good eye contact
  • To bring your poem presentation alive, you may put in actions.


We can’t wait to see you and hear your poems when we return to class.

P3b Home Learning

Hello P3b,

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year!

I wish we were all together to share our stories from over the holidays and hopefully we will soon enough.

Please find attached a document which tell you about your tasks for the day, a template for your weekly journal (weekly news) and a PowerPoint introducing our new topic.

I am looking forward to seeing all the fabulous work you produce at home.

Have a good day.

p3b mon 11 jan

weekly news document

birds 2

Back to school

Hello Primary 3,

I am absolutely loving the work you are sending to me. It’s fantastic to see how hard you’re working at home, if you would like to send me some more work I’m just an email away.

Please remember tomorrow is our Christmas Party Day so wear your own clothes, a Christmas jumper or some party finery.

I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow for some fun and games!

Have a lovely day P3.