Category Archives: Primary 2 20/21

Primary Two Home Learning Thursday 14th January


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Use the numbers below, add two and 5 to each number. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out which is which.

Green for go

1 4 15
 0 7 6
19 23 18


Pink for think

18 98 37
25 13 68
54 89 12


Today I have attached a PowerPoint for you to look at all about Mrs Odd and Mr Even. When you have finished looking at it you could create a world for Mr Odd and one for Mrs Even.


Below I have attached some activities for you to try. You do not need to do them all. Remember no work is posted tomorrow so you might do some today and some tomorrow.


Thursday is our story writing day. Today I would like you to write a story all about elephants. Perhaps you go on a trip and find some wild elephants, do they need your help? Perhaps you are there to make a documentary all about them now that you know some elephant facts. When your story is finished you could draw a picture to show what happened in your story.

When writing your story remember

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Finger spaces
  • Think about the size of the letters, are they tall, small or do they go under the line?
  • Make sure your writing goes from the beginning of the line to the end.
  • Check to see if your story has a beginning, middle and end.
  • Read over your story to check that it makes sense.


Today you should also be revising your tricky words and phoneme. Normally we would have a spelling test on a Friday, perhaps this is something you would like to do tomorrow?


Expressive arts

Today I would like you to draw an elephant. To do this, go to YouTube and type in great artist mom – elephant. Remember to pause as you watch to give you time to draw each part. You could also include a background. You might like to add colour to your picture, you could do this with paint, pens, pencils or whatever you have at home. Remember that you are the artist and it is up to you to decide how you want your final  picture to look.



Thursday 14th January 2021  click here to access the activities on a word document.

Primary 2 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Using only the numbers below. Today you are only allowed to double the numbers. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out the answers.

Green for go

2 5 8
 3 9 7
10 20 1


Pink for think

50 14 25
30 16 22
45 9 100

Odd and Even

Your challenge today is to find out if a number is odd or even. Remember if a number is even then everyone has a partner, if a number is odd then one is left out. At home gather together some objects and sort them to find out if they are odd or even.

For example

  • Get some socks and put them in pairs. How many do you have? Do you have an odd or even number? (You could ask your grown up to take some away, what have you got now an odd number or even number?)
  • Gather together some teddies/cars/figurines can you give each a partner? How many do you have?
  • Go for a walk, what do you notice about the numbers on the houses in your street? Why do you think they are this way? Is your house number odd or even?
  • Can you create your own street with odd numbers on one side and even numbers on the other? (You might choose to draw your street/build with lego/create on the computer). I can’t wait to see what you do.


Begin by looking at your phoneme and tricky words. Choose a different way to create them today. Also remember to read your reading book as much as you can (and any other books/comics you enjoy reading).

Previously we were learning about prepositions. We explored where the teddy and elf were in the picture. Today I have attached a listening activity all about the position of items in a playground. If you’re not able to print then instead I would like you to draw a picture of a park with a slide, climbing frame and seesaw, and then ask your grown up to read the instructions below.

  • Draw a boy sitting on the seesaw
  • Draw a bike beside the slide
  • Draw a balloon above the climbing frame.
  • Draw a football between the slide and the climbing frame.

Wednesday 13th january 2021  This is the link to the word document if you prefer it.


Health and wellbeing

Today I would like you to try mindfulness with your family. Even though we are at home we are all still very busy.

Mindfulness is a tricky concept to grasp. It could be looking out of the window in the morning to see what the weather’s doing, and to help you know what you need that day. If it’s raining outside, you know you need an umbrella. If you’re feeling stormy inside, you can ask yourself what you need – maybe that’s to be on your own for a bit or to ask for a hug or to do some exercise.


Take a few minutes to lie down in a quiet place and think about your senses. You might focus on just one today and focus on another one next time.


Notice six things that you can see. Cast your eyes around and bring your attention to six things you might not normally notice. Choose something you wouldn’t ordinarily pay attention to, like a shadow or a small gap in the blinds.
Notice three things that you can feel. Bring your awareness to these three things you are currently feeling, like the texture of your socks, the feeling of the breeze on your skin, or the surface of the floor you are resting your hands on.
Notice four things that you can hear. Try to listen carefully to the sounds around you. What can you hear in the background? This might be a bird singing, the low hum of the television or the sound of people outside.
Notice one/two things that you can smell. Tune your senses into smells you might not normally notice, even if they’re pleasant or unpleasant. If you’re outside the wind might be bringing some scents to you.
Notice one thing that you can taste. Concentrate on one thing you can taste right now. You might take a sip of water, enjoy some fruit, eat something, notice the current taste in your mouth.





Primary 2 Tuesday 12th January Home learning

Tuesday 12th January 2021


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Using only the numbers below create your own addition calculations (no subtraction today) and work out the answer. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out the answers.

Green for go

1 5 0
 9 3 2
7 18 11


Pink for think

95 14 75
31 16 2
42 11 26

 Today we will continue with some more revision.

  • Recite numbers forwards and backwards to 20/50/100
  • Count forwards and backwards in 2’s,5’s and tens.
  • Order random numbers to 20/50/100. Ask your grown up to give you no more than five numbers that you need to put in the correct order smallest to largest and then largest to smallest.
  • Previously you have learned about odd and even numbers. Today head to YouTube and read this story all about odd and even and tomorrow we will complete some odd and even activities.




Usually in class you would complete questions that relate to your reading book, since it is the first week back you do not have a reading book so instead you can read and answer questions all about elephants.

(If you have access to Twinkl here is the link )

If you do not have access if will upload the text and questions. If you are in the yellow group then you should read an answer the first text. If you are in the purple group then you should try the second or third text and then answer the questions. If you’re not sure which group you are then please send me an email.


comprehension click on the word comprehension to access the activity.


Each day (Monday-Thursday) you should be looking at your tricky words and phonemes. Why not try to make them a different way each day?

For example

Monday Rainbow writing
Tuesday Play dough
Wednesday Look, cover, write and check
Thursday Shaving foam/sand




Red Group

Your last book was Egyptian adventure or The Rainbow machine. This week your new book is The Evil Genie, this is a great story all about Floppy and his unfortunate adventure. This can be accessed via YouTube.


Orange Group

Previously this group were reading The magic key and Roy at the fun park. Your new book is The Dream this can be accessed via YouTube.


Green Group

Previously you were reading The toys’ party and A new dog. Your new book this week is ‘What a bad dog!’


Blue Group

Previously you were reading Lost in the jungle and The Lost Key, your new reading book is Red Planet. This can be accessed via YouTube.

Health and Wellbeing

At the moment school is a bit different as we are all working from home, however I would like you to set yourself a target, it may be that you have a target each week or month. Your target can be for any area of the curriculum. Perhaps you will set yourself the target of always beginning your writing at the start of the line and writing to the end of the line. Perhaps your target is to count to 20 in 2’s. It can be anything you want to aim for. Talk to your grown up at home about what you would like to work on. Then each week on a Friday you could tell me something you have done that week that you are really proud of. This might be something that is helping you move towards achieving your target or it might be something else. I can’t wait to see all the things you are achieving.

Remember to keep reading over the poem ‘Mince and Tatties’ ready for our Scottish fortnight beginning next week.

Monday 11th January Primary 2

Good morning, welcome back everyone. I hope you enjoyed the time off with your family. For the next few weeks school will be a little different again. I will be posting work on here for you to complete. Remember to do what you can fit around you and your family. Work will be posted Monday to Thursday.

Monday 11th January 2021