P3a Remote Learning 11th January

Good morning and Happy New Year P3!  I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and managed to spend some time with your family.  The next few weeks will be a little different again but we can do this!! I will be posting your daily work here. Here is today’s tasks:


In Celebration of Burns Night and our annual Scottish Fortnight, you have been asked to learn a short Scottish poem. Your poem is ‘Twa-Leggit Mice’, I will attach a link below.

Poetry Recital

Please also find attached a link to your weekly Journal and the PowerPoint containing the different birds you may see in your area.

weekly news document


I hope you all have a lovely day.  I can’t wait to see you all and hear your poems when we return to school!!

Monday 11th January Primary 2

Good morning, welcome back everyone. I hope you enjoyed the time off with your family. For the next few weeks school will be a little different again. I will be posting work on here for you to complete. Remember to do what you can fit around you and your family. Work will be posted Monday to Thursday.

Monday 11th January 2021  

Primary 1 Monday 11th January, 2021.

Good morning everyone!  Happy New Year!  It’s so lovely to be working with you all again.   I hope you had a great holiday and that you are looking forward to learning new things this term.

We will start off as always with new spelling words – get, if.  Which sound is at the beginning of get?   Which vowel is in the middle and which sound is at the end?  Do the same for if.  Do both words have the same number of letters?  If you have magnetic letters, find the sounds to make the words (or write the sounds on little pieces of paper), mix them up then make the words.  Write each word three times, taking care to form the letters correctly and say each word as you write it.  Remember that none of the letters begin at the bottom when writing.  Now  get some pieces of pasta and make the words.   Write a sentence for each one or have an adult read and you write “I can get it if you can not.”

Your new sound today is  ‘j’  Click on the link to watch the Alphablocks explore your new sound.  Listen for the ‘j’ words and write down any you can remember.


There is also a ‘j’ game on Education City.  Click on the pink book today!  You already have your logins at home.


We are going to continue to read lots of lovely books this term.

Connor, Ernie, Euan, Edith, Floyd, Gemma, Imogen F, Seren, Thomas are going to be the Green Group.  You are reading ‘What A Bad Dog.’  You will find this book on Youtube and will need to turn down the sound and pause each page to practice.

Aidan, Alba, Albie, Chloe, Ethan, Fraser, Imogen B, Jack, Joseph, Reuben, Vivienne are the Yellow Group.  You are reading ‘On The Sand.’  You will find this book on Youtube and will need to turn down the sound and pause each page to practice.

Amelie, you are the Red Group.  You are reading ‘What Was It Like?  You will find this book on Oxford Owl which you can search through Google.

Scottish Fortnight will take place between the 18th and 29th January and as part of our Talking & Listening planning, the children all learn a Scottish poem each year.  Primary 1 poem is called The Wee Rid Motor.   Click on the link below to upload the poem.  It should be learned over the next two weeks.  I hope you all enjoy this activity and I will look forward to hearing the children recite their lovely poem at some point.

The Wee Rid Motor

Maths –  I have put a Simple Estimates task on My Maths.  Please complete ‘Try The Lesson’ before ‘Start Homework’ and make sure you log in or I am unable to see your score : )

This week we will be finding out why we need calendars and clocks.  As it’s the beginning of the new year, you might have a new calendar in your house.  Ask an adult to show you todays date on it.  You could maybe score the date off at the end of each day!  When you click on the link below (bitesize), Sabrina will tell you more about the time.  After you have watched the programme, go on a clock hunt around your house  to see how many you can find.  A clock with hands is called an analogue clock.  How many numbers are there?  Which number is always at the top?  What comes next?  Make your own clock face using paper or a paper plate.  Are all your numbers in the correct order?


Health & Wellbeing

Today I would like you to make up your own 5 minute exercise routine which can include music, dance and exercise.  Teach it to someone in your house.  Have fun!

I hope you have a super day boys and girls.  I am really looking forward to seeing all your lovely work!