Primary 2 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Using only the numbers below. Today you are only allowed to double the numbers. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out the answers.

Green for go

2 5 8
 3 9 7
10 20 1


Pink for think

50 14 25
30 16 22
45 9 100

Odd and Even

Your challenge today is to find out if a number is odd or even. Remember if a number is even then everyone has a partner, if a number is odd then one is left out. At home gather together some objects and sort them to find out if they are odd or even.

For example

  • Get some socks and put them in pairs. How many do you have? Do you have an odd or even number? (You could ask your grown up to take some away, what have you got now an odd number or even number?)
  • Gather together some teddies/cars/figurines can you give each a partner? How many do you have?
  • Go for a walk, what do you notice about the numbers on the houses in your street? Why do you think they are this way? Is your house number odd or even?
  • Can you create your own street with odd numbers on one side and even numbers on the other? (You might choose to draw your street/build with lego/create on the computer). I can’t wait to see what you do.


Begin by looking at your phoneme and tricky words. Choose a different way to create them today. Also remember to read your reading book as much as you can (and any other books/comics you enjoy reading).

Previously we were learning about prepositions. We explored where the teddy and elf were in the picture. Today I have attached a listening activity all about the position of items in a playground. If you’re not able to print then instead I would like you to draw a picture of a park with a slide, climbing frame and seesaw, and then ask your grown up to read the instructions below.

  • Draw a boy sitting on the seesaw
  • Draw a bike beside the slide
  • Draw a balloon above the climbing frame.
  • Draw a football between the slide and the climbing frame.

Wednesday 13th january 2021  This is the link to the word document if you prefer it.


Health and wellbeing

Today I would like you to try mindfulness with your family. Even though we are at home we are all still very busy.

Mindfulness is a tricky concept to grasp. It could be looking out of the window in the morning to see what the weather’s doing, and to help you know what you need that day. If it’s raining outside, you know you need an umbrella. If you’re feeling stormy inside, you can ask yourself what you need – maybe that’s to be on your own for a bit or to ask for a hug or to do some exercise.


Take a few minutes to lie down in a quiet place and think about your senses. You might focus on just one today and focus on another one next time.


Notice six things that you can see. Cast your eyes around and bring your attention to six things you might not normally notice. Choose something you wouldn’t ordinarily pay attention to, like a shadow or a small gap in the blinds.
Notice three things that you can feel. Bring your awareness to these three things you are currently feeling, like the texture of your socks, the feeling of the breeze on your skin, or the surface of the floor you are resting your hands on.
Notice four things that you can hear. Try to listen carefully to the sounds around you. What can you hear in the background? This might be a bird singing, the low hum of the television or the sound of people outside.
Notice one/two things that you can smell. Tune your senses into smells you might not normally notice, even if they’re pleasant or unpleasant. If you’re outside the wind might be bringing some scents to you.
Notice one thing that you can taste. Concentrate on one thing you can taste right now. You might take a sip of water, enjoy some fruit, eat something, notice the current taste in your mouth.





P3b Wednesday 13th

Good morning P3b,

what a great start to our week of home learning, it has been fantastic to see your lovely work.  I have been so impressed with everyone applying their heavenly handwriting in their homeschool work too!

Please remember to keep practicing our class poem for Scottish Fortnight. You can find this post on our class blog.

Please find attached todays learning.


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities


Task 1 
Write silly sentences using your phoneme words in each sentence and underline.

Task 2

If you have any old newspapers or magazines, use them to cut out letters to make your phoneme and tricky words. If you have paper and glue, you can glue the letters onto a piece of paper to spell your words.

Task 3

Use sign language to spell your phoneme words and your tricky words. Show your parents the wonderful learning we have been doing in class!

Don’t worry if you have forgotten the alphabet, you can follow the hyperlink to help you.


Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.

Incredible Illustrators and Wonderful Writers

Yesterday you read The Little Shepard boy, today you should read this again and create a different ending for the book. This can be a few sentences or a small paragraph draw a picture to show this different ending. Try to use a phoneme word and tricky word in your new ending.

Amazing Authors

Yesterday you read Three Bears, today you should read this again and create a different ending for the book.This can be a few sentences or a small paragraph draw a picture to show this different ending. Try to use a phoneme word and tricky word in your new ending.


Task 1

Before the holiday we did lots of work on our vertical addition with and without carrying, feel free to use concrete materials where you need them.

To remind you how we do this please watch this YouTube video

Complete this textbook page.

  • Remember to set out each sum as they are in question 1.

Task 2

Play shark numbers up to 99.

Your counting in 10s the past couple of days will help you with this task


Health and Wellbeing


Activity 1 – do 25 star jumps

Activity 2 – do 25 squats

Activity 3 – do 25 jumping jacks

Activity 4 – bend down, touch the ground and jump up, do this 25 times

Activity 5 – if you can do press ups, do 25 press ups


Task 2

Follow the link to enjoy a dance to Freeze


Have a wonderful day P3 and I so look forward to seeing your fabulous work.

P3a Remote Learning Wednesday 13th January

Hello P3, I hope you are all enjoying completing your tasks at home. You are working so hard and I am enjoying reading the emails being sent to me. Here is today’s learning:


Practice your new phoneme words and tricky words. See below for activities

Phoneme words                               Tricky words

  • recite                                                             take
  • city                                                                 gave
  • icy                                                                   cold
  • central                                                         don’t
  • December
  • circle
  • circus
  • cinema
  • celebrate

Task 1

Write silly sentences using your phoneme words in each sentence and underline. Eg, I don’t like ice cream because I am wearing a blue jumper.  For extra challenge, begin each sentence with a different word and use connectives to join 2 sentences together.

Task 2

Use Lego or some other toys to make your phoneme and tricky words.

Task 3

Use sign language to spell your phoneme words and your tricky words. Show your parents the wonderful learning we have been doing in class!

Don’t worry if you have forgotten the alphabet, you can follow the hyperlink to help you.



Please log in to giglets using your own personal log in details.

Could you please read The Frog Princess and then complete the Higher Order Thinking Skills task. If you have paper, write down your answers to these higher order thinking skills questions or otherwise share your thoughts with your parents.

Can you find all of the adjectives in your book and share your findings with your parents. Remember an adjective is a word that describes a noun.



Before the holidays we did lots of work on addition and subtraction with carrying. For today, I would like you to complete an addition activity. If you need to refresh your memory, follow the hyperlink –

2-digit addition with regrouping – YouTube

Remember, we carry numbers underneath in the tens column.

Please complete attached task. You could print it out or use paper.


Follow the hyperlink for further practice. I know you all loved playing this in class together!

 Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (



It is important to keep your body healthy and active, so I have the following activity for you:


Activity 1 – 30 jumping jacks

Activity 2 – 30 high knees

Activity 3 –  30 star jumps

Activity 4 – 20 press ups

Activity 5 – 20 squats


Task 2

To help you relax after such a hard day’s work, follow the hyperlink to GoNoodle and choose some of the activities you would like to complete

Why don’t you go out a nice relaxing walk and get some fresh air!

I look forward to hearing from you, have a great day!

Primary 1 Wednesday 13th January, 2021

***Hi everyone ***  I have added a new link for the time game as some boys and girls are unable to access Twinkl.

Good morning boys and girls.  It’s Wednesday already!  I hope you are enjoying completing your tasks at home.

We have a new sound today!  Click below to find out which one it is.

Spelling & Phonics 13.01.2021

I hope you enjoyed the counting in 5’s song yesterday.  I know how much you all love to sing, so  have added another today.  You will notice that all of the numbers end in 5 or 0 – the pattern for 5’s.

If you are able to, print out the following number square (or maybe an adult could help you make one) and colour the pattern of 5’s.  What do you notice?  Continue to practice counting in 5’s today.

Number square to 100

Last day Sabrina was talking about  minutes and today she is asking what you could do in an hour.  When you have PE time at school it lasts for an hour and when it is lunch time it lasts for a bit longer than an hour. Hours are a much bigger measure of time.

The big hand tells us minutes and moves quickly, and the small hand moves more slowly and tells us the hour when we are reading the time on an anologue clock.  You could add a big hand and a small hand to your clock you have made at home.  Below is a time game today where you have to read the correct time.  When the big hand is at the 12, and the small hand is pointing to a number, this is an o’clock time.  We have practiced o’clock times in class, so I am keen to see if you can remember.

Health & Wellbeing

There is a nice story for you to listen to today.  In class we talked about how to be kind to each other and you made lots of lovely suggestions which formed part of our classroom rules.  They included helping, sharing, caring for each other and being friendly and considerate.  You could make a kindness cup at home using a brightly decorated paper cup or something similar.  Add notes to it while we are not at school.

Please continue to practice The Wee Rid Motor when you have time.  Have a good day everyone.  I am looking forward to seeing some of your hard work.