All posts by Mrs Nouillan

Shopping in Stewarton

Some of the children went to on the train to Stewarton with a big shopping list.

First they went to the Book Nook on the Main Street to collect the books we’d ordered.  Sarah the owner of the Book Nook kindly donated £60 to the ECC and we chose books to support developing our work on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Sarah also read to the children and they got to look at the lovely books she has in her shop.

Then they went to Aldi to choose pumpkins and gourds and they also bought croissants and brioche buns for our French Friday Cafe.

A huge thank you again to Sarah, we appreciate this kind gift!  If you are looking for books for gifts/Christmas etc, please remember we have a wonderful independent bookseller close to us!!

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan



Ongoing Professional Development

On Saturday 7th October, myself and the ECC staff team attended the Early Years Conference at Strathclyde University.  The conference was called Looking Through the Lens: The Creative Zone with keynote speakers Deirdre Grogan and Charlotte Bowes.

During the day, the staff further developed their understanding of the importance of using the environment to develop a wide range of creative skills, including sewing!   We all loved the sewing!!

To finish, we all took part in different workshops led by staff from early year centres across the central belt and it was fabulous to learn from them too!

A huge thank you is extended to our amazing staff team for giving their time on a Saturday to attend this conference!

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


Please find attached the ECC Weekly Reflection Diary from week beginning 11.9.23.

Please open the attachment to find out all about last week’s wonderful learning experiences.

11th September 2023

I hope you agree, the children in the ECC are provided with a wide range of excellent learning experiences and this is facilitated through our commitment to play pedagogy utilising both the indoors and outdoors environment.

With kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan

Parent and Children Feedback from the Annual Questionnaires

Throughout the year, the ECC staff engage in the self-evaluation of our performance, acknowledging successes and recognising there are things we could change in our on-going commitment to improvement.

As part of the self-evaluation process is to improve how the ECC works for children and families,  we gather the thoughts of our parents and children through the annual questionnaires .

I have collated the views and these can be found by opening the link below.

child questionnaire collated data 23

Parent Questionnaires collated data 23

We are of course delighted to read such positive feedback.

With kind regards, Mrs Nouillan


Daffodil Morning March 2023

Please see below You Said/We Say from our Daffodil Morning.

We are of course delighted to receive such wonderful feedback!

You Said:

  • A lovely morning, thank you for inviting us. Well done to all the children and the teachers.
  • Thank you, lovely to hear the children singing their Easter songs and thank you for the cakes.
  • Was great!
  • It was great, don’t change anything!
  • I think the nursery does really well!
  • Really delighted to attend, a great show!
  • This was a lovely morning. Seeing all the older children and listening to them and seeing their work, makes me even surer this is the right school for my daughter. Thank you!
  • Absolutely wonderful! Such a lot of effort put in decorating the event space and preparation by teachers and children to put on a great show! Platform for the kids to develop skills and build confidence. Such a lovely morning, thank you!  We really appreciate it!

We Say: Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to our Question of the Month.  We very much value your views and opinions as we believe wholeheartedly in working with you to help improve the service we provide and ultimately help your child in any way we can to ensure the very best start to their educational journey with us and beyond as they move through Dunlop Primary.

In response to the thoughts shared above: After a three year Covid break, it was my pleasure to be able to bring back parents/carers/grandparents and extended family members to join us for our beloved Daffodil Morning.  The Daffodil Morning is an ECC event but it is very generously supported by the whole school and everyone works really hard to put on an amazing show for our guests.  You noted above, you enjoyed the singing and seeing the hall decorated, a huge thank you is extended to all the staff for this but also to the children from across the school, it really is the children that do the hard work!  Through taking part in showcase events, we provide the children with an opportunity to take part in performances and build the performance confidence, even our little ECC children enjoy these opportunities and it was lovely to see them shine in the spotlight and show their singing and signing skills!

It is reassuring to read above that one of our parents feels happy with her choice to bring her child to Dunlop ECC, and then extend this further into the primary when the time comes!  We are a wonderful school, that I and all other staff members too, feel very passionate about, and we all work hard to provide the very best for all children within Dunlop ECC and Primary.

It is a privilege to showcase our school/ECC and children at such events and we look forward to providing more of these opportunities in the future.

Thank you so much for coming along to join us but also for sharing your delightful feedback!

With kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan


Christmas Concert Extravaganza 2022

Oh wow!!

Our ECC excelled with their Christmas Concert Extravaganza, and it was wonderful to have an audience of family members join us!

Once again, The Reindeer Pokey was a huge success.

Thank you to all the ECC Staff for their ongoing hard work in all they do, but especially in bringing the concert alive with singing, dancing, poetry and Makaton.  Thank you to Mrs Buchanan who accompanied the children singing Silent Night by playing her flute.

We will share more of the photographs next week, below is a small sample.

Kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan


Dunlop ECC new build ‘The Bridge’ and the Sod Cut

Leader of East Ayrshire Council, Councillor Douglas Reid, officially broke the ground at the site of the new Dunlop ECC, alongside the very important guests, stood our own little VIPs!

Councillor Reid was joined on site by Councillors Maureen McKay, John McFadzean, John McGhee, Ellen Freel and Stephen Canning; Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Andrew Kennedy, Head Teacher Mrs Kelly, Depute Head Teacher Mrs Nouillan and representatives from Education, Facilities and Property Management and the main contractor, Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd.

The ECC, which is called The Bridge, is being built on a site overlooking fields just off Lugton Road. The design, which will ensure that children have access to quality learning opportunities and experiences both indoors and outdoors, will see the number of place available to local children increase to 72 places.

This project is also the Council’s first Passivhaus building. This means that the ECC will be built to a world-leading energy efficiency and thermal performance standard. Heat loss from the building will be minimised reducing energy usage and helping the Council move towards achieving sustainability targets while providing an environment with a high standard of internal comfort.

Councillor Reid said: “I was very pleased to perform the official ground-breaking at the new Dunlop Early Childhood Centre with Calvin, George, Sophia, Isabel and Sandy. The new ECC will increase the number of places available to local families, which is great news, and will also provide a high-quality facility that will ensure our youngest learners have access to both indoor and outdoor learning experiences. The facility is also our first Passivhaus build. Building to the Passivhaus standard means that the ECC will be very well insulated and that fuel costs will be much lower than a normal building. We are leading the way in Scotland with this technology and I know that other local authorities are following our journey closely.

“This development in Dunlop builds on our commitment to both tackling the climate emergency and ensuring that every young person in East Ayrshire benefits from the very best start in life.”

Please open the link below to the official authority reporting on this important news for our ECC but also for the village of Dunlop.

Kind regards, Mrs Nouillan

Bedtime Bookbug Stay and Play

On Wednesday 23rd November 2022, 5.30pm – 6.30pm, we openened our ECC doors and welcomed in our children and parents to join us for Bedtime Bookbug Stay and Play.

As it was nighttime, we had all the children in cosy pyjamas or onesies and they changed into their slippers once in the setting.  We even had some parents come dressed for this too!

To begin, the children and parents enjoyed free flow play in the ECC and the children led their parent around the different activities.  Then Mrs Mack led Bookbug with rhyme time, a new story for the children and she finished off with the elastic game, which everyone loves!  After this, everyone settled down with a cup of something hot and chocolatey and a little cookie too, and then Mrs Marshall read another new story.  Sadly, it was then time to go home, I think the staff needed their bedtime after this long day!

Please enjoy the photographs below from our Bedtime Bookbug and we hope next time, more children ad parents will join us.

Kindest regards, Mrs Nouillan