ECC-Article 24

RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOL – ARTICLE 24: I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food.

As part of our weekly together time the children have been learning about the UNCRC and their rights. We have began our rights journey looking at Article 24. We have talked about our right to clean water “Turn on tap, tap water clean,” “Clean fresh water…dogs and humans don’t want dirty water,” and the children took part in an experiment to filter dirt from a jar of dirty water.

Healthy and less healthy food discussing how we could eat the rainbow with Milo, “Have sweets after dinner,” “Waters a good thing to have all the time,” “I like avocado and broccoli,” we discussed the differences between white and brown bread “No sugar,” leading to a delicious taste test. This also linked to a bread making experience with Mrs Thomson, after which the children had the bread rolls as part of their snack. 

We then discussed where we go to take care of our bodies, teeth and eyes. We looked at x-rays discussing our “Skeleton” “This is the one that is attached to your leg,” (Hip) Some of the children have visited the dentist and discussed brushing their teeth at home and in the ECC. The children also tried on my glasses to see the difference in the size of the print “Mrs Gray’s glasses on makes words bigger.

As our Rights Respecting School Journey continues we will keep you informed of the right we are focussing on and the hands on experiences the children are taking part in each week.

Mrs Gray

Mud Kitchen-ECC

Today I put a jug of water and some pots of mud outside in the mud kitchen, and left them to see what the children did with them.

Once they found the mud and water the fun began! We had cupcakes, porridge,  chocolate cake and pies.  There was lots of mixing, measuring and problem solving while the children made their creations.  We also had some pretend tasting, apparently the mud cakes were yummy!

It might have been raining this morning but, it certainly didn’t dampen our spirits!

Have a fantastic weekend

Mrs Marshall

The Flood – ECC

One of our children told me this morning was “Super Fun!” He was right, we had a fantastic morning out in the rain playing with the water and mud!

4 of our boys had been playing with the diggers and decided to add some water to the mud to “make a big massive flood”. There was much discussion about how they were going to transport the water from the water butt to where they were playing, and the boys decided to use the diggers and trucks they had been playing with to do this.  After a while one of the children realised that if he used a pot from the mud kitchen he could transport more water to make the flood bigger.  The boys then sat in their flood playing with their diggers and trucks.
They demonstrated fantastic imaginative and problem solving skills.

Mrs Marshall

ECC – Wednesday Shape Hunt

The Badgers and The Ladybirds took part in a shape hunt within the outdoor area surrounding the ECC and Primary School.  The children enthusiastically took on the role of explorers as they used the curiosity, imagination and observational skills to find shapes within the environment.

The children initially used shapes provided by myself and Mrs Murray to find and compare against the shapes they had found. They then began to use their skills to find 2D and 3D naming the shapes that they already knew,  (cone, cylinder, semi-circle etc) then asking the names of shapes they were unsure of (rhombus, hexagon)

They found shapes made by other shapes, ovals in the ears of the sheep in the wall mural stars and hearts on a poster, circles in the school bell. Thank you so much to all the children that took part in the shape hunt, you worked so wholeheartedly, engaging fully in the experience.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Murray.


ECC – We are builders

Good afternoon,

This morning we have made our own toys!

First we used some of the small logs from our outside area to make our own shape boards.  The children used real hammers to hammer the nails into the logs to do this.

Next we made a number log!  The children hammered u shaped nails into the log and helped to put padlocks onto the hooks they had made.  Each padlock has a numeral on it and the keys have the corresponding dot pattern.  The children were then able to use their numeracy knowledge and problem solving skills to match the key with the correct padlock, allowing them to unlock it.

Lastly the children made a weaving log.  They used the u shaped nails again to hammer into the log and we tied ribbon onto some of them.  This has allowed the children to weave the different coloured ribbons in and out of the hooks they have made.

Some quotes from the children today are:

”I did it!” When a child was able to match the numbers and unlock one of the padlocks, after persevering for a long time.

”Mrs Marshall I’m happy!” While hammering with the real tools.

”It’s really important to have safety goggles on, they protect your eyes.  These are real tools Mrs Marshall, we’re just learning with them.”

”Let’s do some hammering and build stuff!  I’m going to be a builder when I’m older.”

The children really enjoy working with real tools, developing skills for life.

Have a wonderful long weekend, we will see you all on Tuesday.

Kindest Regards

Mrs Marshall

Exploring pattern in the real world

Good Morning,

We have been learning a lot about shape and pattern during our Month of Maths and today we went out on our group walks and found lots of pattern in our local environment.

We used crayons and paper to copy some of the pattern we found and to do crayon rubbings of the different patterns we found.

The children were very excited to tell me all about their adventure when they came back to the ECC.

Have a lovely day

Mrs Marshall