Kaitlyn and Layla
On Monday, during numeracy, circles and triangles converted fractions into percentages. While the squares did quantity of fractions. After break the whole class wrote our burns supper toast to the lassies speech. During literacy, the nouns and adjectives were revising personification. In the meantime, verbs and adverbs were doing 10 sentences containing adjectives, adverbs and exciting openers for daily writing.
On Tuesday, the Kilmarnock football team coaches came in and done PE with us. We did a variety of different drills. For Literacy, adverbs and verbs started Metaphors and nouns and adjectives were learning about hyperboles. In the afternoon we started our Robert Burns art.
On Wednesday, some of the class finished their art. We done auditions for our toast to the lassies speech. After playtime, we got the results of who got the parts. After we practiced our poems and our speeches, we went down to play string instruments and practiced 2 Scottish songs. At the end of the day we wrote our reply to toast to the lassies.
On Thursday, we went to assembly and during assembly our class got up to the front and sang Caledonia. After break we started writing our crime newspaper. In the afternoon we went to PE and played volleyball.
On Friday, triangles and circles looked at how to find quantity using trickier percentages. The squares continued quantity of fractions. After break, we went to ICT and wrote this blog post. After lunch we are going to run through our burns supper and have golden time.
Abigail and Hayden
Monday: We did maths in the morning the. Squares did quantity and Triangles and Circles did conversion of fractions into percentages. Then the whole class wrote The Toast to The Lassies. At the end of the day, we did Literacy and the Nouns and Adjectives went back over personification but then the whole class done Daily writing, Reading and Spelling.
Tuesday: We did PE and the Kilmarnock football club came in and did PE with us. After break the Nouns and Adjectives learned about hyperboles and Verbs and Adverbs about metaphors. Then the whole class did burns art.
Wednesday: We finished art and then we had to practice for the poem in the morning. Then, after break time, we did some song practice for the Burns supper. After that at we were at strings doing some new Scottish song because its nearly Burns day and we are performing them at out Scottish celebration. At the end of the day we were writing the reply to the toast to the lassies.
Thursday: In the morning, we went to assembly and we had to go out the front and sing our songs in front of the whole school. Between the bells, we did our writing piece and we had to do a newspaper report. At the end of the day we did PE and we did volleyball with Miss Sloan. After that we did a paths quiz.
Friday/Today: The only things we have done today so far is maths and ICT.
Rex and Kymberly
On Monday morning we done maths. In maths, the circles and triangles learned how to convert fractions into percentages. The squares done quantity in fractions. After playtime we wrote The Toast to The Lassies for P6/7’s Burns Supper. Post lunchtime, the Nouns and Adjectives revised personification (e.g. My flowers cried for water.) The Verbs and Adverbs done metaphors (e.g. The snow is a white blanket.)
During Tuesday morning, 2 Kilmarnock FC coaches came into PE and taught us a bit about football. After playtime, Nouns and Adjectives started learning about hyperboles (e.g. My homework took 1 million hours.) The Verbs and Adverbs were still learning about metaphors. After lunch we started our Burns artwork.
Wednesday morning, we finished our Burns artwork, we practiced our poems (To A Mouse and A Red, Red Rose) and we auditioned for Toast to The Lassies and Toast to The Laddies. After playtime, practiced our Scottish songs: Caledonia and The Jeely Piece Song. Afterward, we went to strings and played our string instruments. Following lunch time, we wrote The Toast to The Laddies.
On Thursday morning we went to assembly. We sang our Scottish songs. Following playtime, we wrote an imaginary newspaper report about any crime we wanted. One lunch time later, we had done PE and in PE we done volleyball and learned how to pass and get the ball over the net. Afterwards we done paths. We did a quiz about a random paths story.
On the Friday morning, we done maths and the Circles and Triangles learned how to convert fractions into percentages and back. The squares did quantity in fractions. After playtime we went to ICT and wrote something for the blog. Following lunch, we practised our Burns Supper presentation. After that we had Golden Time.