Dalrymple Primary 4/5 2022/2023

October 6, 2022
by eaniamh.fernie@glow

Weekly update!

This week we have started learning about Fractions in Numeracy. We have looked at types of fractions and what they look like; how to order fractions and we are now concentrating on how to find a fraction of a number using our cubes and groups.


Also in Science and Social Studies we have been learning all about our environment and current environmental issues we are facung. Using everything we have learned over the last few weeks we have started working on a personal piece of writing all about ‘Our Planet Earth’. Focusing on our 4 core targets when writing: Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation.


Finally we would like to share these amazing videos of the class singing our PATHS songs that we have been learning. One of the songs is about how to ‘calm down’ when we are feeling uncomfortable and the other song is about how to ‘stop and think’ before you make a decision.


September 29, 2022
by eaniamh.fernie@glow


In PATHS we have been introducing new feelings to our Feelings Chart and have also Introduced our Control Signal Poster to our PATHS wall that is helping us to control our emotions. We have been learning and practising different songs in class as well, to help us Stop, Calm down and Think. We look forward to sharing these songs with you soon!

September 29, 2022
by eaniamh.fernie@glow

Water Coloured Line Art!

Over the last few weeks we have been learning all about line art. Using what we’ve learned we have created these amazing Cactus Line drawings that have been painted using water paints!


August 25, 2022
by eaniamh.fernie@glow

Term 1 Overview

  Term 1
Literacy &


Personal Writing


Stage 4/5 Phoneme and Common words


Sentence Structure: Capital letters, Punctuation,



Numeracy & Mathematics Place Value


Rounding and Estimating


Addition and Subtraction


Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


Interdisciplinary Learning Context  
Social Studies Environment Issues


Methods of Transport and its impact on the Environment



Technologies Glow/ Email





Science  Planet Earth Energy Sources


Renewable and non-renewable energy


R.M.E Religious Stories
Health &




P.E. Hockey



Ex. Arts.


Line Work


Shade and Tone



Ex. Arts


Ex. Arts


PATHS Lessons/ Engaging an audience
Ex. Arts


Modern Languages Greetings, Personal Information and Numbers

August 25, 2022
by eaniamh.fernie@glow
1 Comment

Welcome to P4/5

We have been having a great time settling into P4/5 and have been working hard to make our new classroom bright and colourful. Here is our beautiful class charter tree, where we promise to work as a team and help one another grow. We have also created 3D hot air balloons with lots of information ‘All About Me’ inside!

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