Dalrymple Early Childhood Centre

by Mrs Thomson

Memory Game

This activity supports turn-taking, social interaction, attention & listening skills.

You will need

  • 12 paper plates or pieces of paper
  • felt pens or coloured pencils

This is a kingsize version of a pairs game.  Decide on a theme, e.g, letter of the alphabet, colours, shapes, animals etc.  With your child draw or write on the plates or paper, making 2 of each.  Mix them up and place them face down on the floor.  Now take turns to turn over 2 , name the letter, object etc and decide if they are the same.  Non pairs can be returned to their place while trying to remember what they were for your next turn.

by User deactivated

Learning about healthy and unhealthy food

Let’s learn what food is good for us to eat. Talk about different fruit, vegetables etc. Draw a food plate with a nice healthy snack on it.

Then talk about food that is not healthy and draw a picture of them. Or draw a picture of your favourite foods, and talk about if they are healthy or unhealthy?

Challenge – Can someone write the name of the food underneath your picture and you can copy?

I miss seeing all of your lovely pictures and drawing with you all. Feel free to email pictures of your drawings to us.


by Mrs Miller

Outdoor Learning – Apple Bird Feeders

Apple Bird Feeders

You will need

Large sunflower seeds with the black skin still on


Press the seeds into the apple using the pointed end. Encourage your child to create patters, make the initial letter in their name, and make shapes when pressing in the seeds.
Pace the finished birdfeeder in a fence, on a tree, in a bush etc and watch for the birds eating the food.

Image result for apple and sunflower bird feeder   Image result for apple and sunflower bird feeder

by Mrs Thomson

Make a Telephone

This activity supports social interaction and attention & listening skills

What you need –

  • Plastic cups
  • String or rope
  • Paint or coloured pens for decoration

This is a simple craft telephone which will support children’s language and communication . All they need to do is paint or decorate some plastic cups, poke a hole in each of them, and thread string through the bottom. Now pass messages back and forth.  You can try various speaking activities, like Chinese whispers, making animal noises, experiment with your voice,funny accents, talk about things you can see and just have some fun!


by Caroline McLeod

Matching numbers

Write numbers 1-10 on a lollypop stick. Then write the numbers on some pegs, Get the children to put the correct peg on the same number. This activity will encourage the children to match numbers but also through discussion with an adult they will also be able to pick up the names of the numbers and Some counting skills. The pinching of the pegs and moving the pegs along the stick etc will encourage fine motor skills.

by User deactivated

Out for a walk

When you are out for a nice walk…use your senses. What can you see, hear and touch?

How can we keep safe on the road? Hold hands with an adult, listen well, stay on the pavement, staff off the road and watch for traffic. You could draw pictures of this. Let’s learn about the Green Cross Code.  It’s so important to be safe.

https://road safety.Scot/learning-zone/early-years/green-cross-code-video-3/


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