Tent Building
Last week I gave you ideas on how to build tents for your toys. Today you could build a tent for you and your family to play in, read stories or even have your lunch. Have fun!
You will need
A variety of
Tarpaulin or sheets
Tent Pegs
Paper and pens
As your child to design how they think the tent should look.
Gather all of their ideas and then encourage your child to help you to build the tent.
Problem solving
Questions to ask during this process could include…
How do you think we could make the tent more stable?
How can we make sure that it is big enough for us to fit inside?
Is it wind and waterproof? (Test this out if the water will get in the tent by spraying with a hose to see if the water will get in.)
What other items could we use to make the tent sturdier, taller, etc?