Make a start on early literacy and numeracy skills
Your child is not expected to have amazing literacy or numeracy skills at this age – that’s what school is for! However, there are some ways you can get your child ready for learning:
- Help your child to recognise their name. It’s handy if your child can find their space in the cloakroom, and can keep track of labelled clothes and other belongings.
- Share stories together. Reading to your child improves their vocabulary and listening skills, and acting out stories is a great way to practise communication. Seeing you the enjoy stories you read also primes your child to be an enthusiastic reader.
- Practice fine motor skills. Developing hand strength, fine motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination all helps prepare your child for writing. Making Lego models, using scissors, and threading beads or pasta onto string are fun ways to develop hand strength. Drawing and colouring activities are good for introducing children to mark-making tools.
- Introduce your child to numbers. Why not go on a number hunt around your local area and take pictures of any numbers you find? You could also share counting songs together or count objects around your home. Can your child get five forks or three cups out? Can they share them between members of the family?