Tag Archives: Primary1


I found these bugs on a walk on Saturday.  Can you investigate what they are? It is a short clip from my phone.

IMG_1272 (10)

Thank you to those children who returned their phonic files. It is important that the children have access to these sounds to practise any sticky sounds. If you have missing pages let me know and I shall replace. We  have the sound ai to practise tonight.

Great fun today finding out about elections and picking our own prime minster in P1. Well done to Ford for his election speech!!

Week commencing 26th April 2021

We are buzzing this week about our new learning about  some very important  insects, bees. We are starting a mini topic investigation all about bees and have been asking the children about what they want to find out. Our learning will have a focus on or eco system and the importance of these busy bees. I have posted our plans for this week. Can I ask you to refrain from adding the smiley to your reading of home readers as it appears when you do this the book is no longer available for a second or subsequent read and the children should of course be revisiting the text every night.  Any problems with on line  access please let me know and I can send home a hard copy .

We continue to amazed at the adaptability of these young people and their appetite for learning. Keep up  all the good ways you are encouraging them at home. The term is racing through , too fast for my liking as they put a smile on my face everyday.

Thinking about Easter

A big thank you to  Jean a friend of Eve’s gran who very kindly sent us in Palm crosses  for Easter. This week we have been talking about the Christian Festival of Easter and all the customs associated with it. The crosses provided a great discussion point  when we explored  this theme today.  The children  were so enthusiastic and earnest in their thoughts  and their learning.

Sharing palm crosses for Easter
Easter is…..

Easter is…..
What is Easter………


Primary1 22nd March.

A big thank you for all of those who have sent in their pirate ships. You are such a talented bunch,…….. we have some designers of the future in our mist that is for sure. I am still refining mine so don’t worry you have another week to get them into school for testing!!

The online reading books appear to be going well and I have just had a peek to see who has been doing their reading regularly. I am interested in your thoughts on this and please let me know if you haven’t been able to access. I see they are some pupils who have not yet been using this. Any problems please get in touch and we can sort something out.

Our grid has lots on it so this will take our learning up to Easter break. Once again the wee p 1 are amazing in their resilience and their learning  and are working very hard and playing very hard to make up for all the days we could not be together in class. Thank you for your continued support. learning plan22.03.21

P1 Using the oxford Owl

Thank you for your patience with me as I get used to assigning the books to the children. We have had a few questions and teething problems this week but hopefully as we become more familiar with using  it things will settle down. I am not intending to replace books as I am a very avid reader and  although I have a kindl I still love nothing more than a book. We use real books in class  !

I am trying to provide a variety of texts for reading at home so the children get a bit of challenge . Please don’t feel pressure to read all texts every night….. but do please read daily . The children are doing so well with their literacy and their reading and writing skills improve each day. Please let me know what you think of this resource as  I personally think it is a great way as it cuts down on missing books, forgotten books  etc and allows the children a bit more choice. I will be interested at the end of the trial to hear your views as I would really like to get this a s a permanent  resource. Happy reading.

Pirate ship home learning

Just to clarify our pirate ship home school task. This is a bit of fun for you and your child. A wee project for you to work on together. There is no rush to send them to school as we shall not be testing them till the  last week of this term. The question is  can the ships sail on the water? How good is your design?  Mrs Forsyth is also trying to  make one  at home with her lolly sticks and wine corks.

W e have had a couple in school already but you have plenty of time so enjoy.  Here is a sneaky  peek at Jaxon’s. Wow!

I think I might have to go back to the design stage!!

Good morning P1

Just a wee catch up  to tell you what super stars we have in P1. The children have been back now for 2 weeks and they have been amazing. Your interest support and caring during our lockdown has insured the children’s return to class has been smooth and without drama. They have been so excited to see their friends and to begin learning together again. You lovely parents have done a great job and the children are already progressing with their learning ,excited and enthusiastically. Some fantastic descriptive writing last week  from our mini pirate topic.  Over the next 2 weeks we shall be having a science focus as that was so well received  during lockdown. (Stem)

Since you may be missing your learning together at home ……. look out for a wee home school project re ship building. Come on Jack, Jaxson and Ellis can you match that fantastic model making you shared during our space topic. More details to follow but you may want to start saving your wine corks and plastic trays..