Tag Archives: caring

Pupil Groups January Update

This week’s assembly was celebrating all the hard work of our Pupil Groups.

Digital Leaders

Our digital leaders delivered a presentation in preparation for Safer Internet Day. This will take place on Tuesday 6th February. Children will have activities in class to explore staying safe online.

Pupil Council

Monday 5th February sees the start of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. We were discussing children’s rights to have their voice heard which is the theme for the week. “My Voice Matters”. We discussed something in the school we would like to change. Children voted for more playground resources. Pupil Council will take this forward as well as some work they have chosen to do to address littering in the community.

Another project they are working on is the Voice Box Awards. We will be having a Joke telling competition on 1st March to promote the importance of communication skills.

Climate Champions

Our Climate Champions launched a competition to name their home’s food waste caddy. This is part of a campaign to increase Dalmellington households use of their food caddies from 38% to  50%. If food caddies are put out, the names on them will be entered into a prize draw. “Dinnae forget about your caddy”.


Our JRSOs weren’t at assembly on Friday as they were visiting a local garage to learn about looking after tyres in winter. There will be more information about this soon.

Junior Librarians

They are working hard to organise our World Book Day events. They are also working hard on developing the library further. They have also organised monthly visits to the mobile library which will be starting soon.

Sports Champions

Following on from the success of the Santa Dash, our Sports Champions are organising an “Easter Hop” which children will be able to sign up to participate in. There will be different levels of challenge so all children will be able to participate if they want to.

Dexter’s Learning Squad

This group had the biggest news of the week. We had a visit from the Communication Friendly Accreditation team. Keeli, Azaan, Poppy and Logan presented to the group and after all their visits to classes, we have been successful in achieving our Communication Friendly Status. We are looking forward to achieving our award.

What a busy assembly! What a busy January!