P1 have began their new topic of people who help us! This week we have focused on doctors, nurses and paramedics! We decorated some ambulances and made our very own stethoscopes!
P5/6 Writing
Over the past couple of weeks, P5/6 have been working on writing instructions. Yesterday the children welcomed Mrs Greig into class and taught Mrs Greig and I how to play Snakes and Ladders.
P2 Learning
Primary 2 have been learning about life cycles and skip counting in 2s.
P5/6 Open Afternoon
P5/6 were excited to welcome their families into class on Tuesday afternoon We spent our time working on Autumn crafts that we can use to decorate our classroom serving as a reminder of our lovely afternoon together.
P1 Literacy
P1 have been enjoying looking at the letter d in literacy! They have been making the letter d in various ways and have been book hunting to see if they can spot the letter in books.
P3/4 Parents Open Afternoon
P3/4 enjoyed having their parents in to visit their classroom on Thursday afternoon.
P2 Autumn Art
P2 have been creating some Autumn art for our parent visitors to enjoy. We have also been having fun exploring the STEM tubs.
Soaring to Success Together Certificates
Well done to this week’s certificate winners. They have been showing our school values this week.
P1 Assembly
We celebrated European Day of Languages yesterday. P1 performed a French song about the colours.
Welcome to our new House Captains
Our new house captains have been elected and they have lots of big plans for the year ahead.
Their first event will be a Maths Quiz at next week’s assembly.