A busy first day back in P6/7 with Real Life Learning!

A  busy day to welcome our Primary 6/7s back into school today.  After a holiday check in and catch up with each other, we were straight to work with spelling and continuing  developing reading skills with our novel ‘Wonder’.  We have also started learning about the Scottish Parliament and linking our learning to the upcoming elections.  We are looking forward to finding out the roles within the Parliament and impact this has on our lives.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone. Thank you once again for your fantastic support this term We ended the term  on a high investigating the fantastic ships from our home school learning.( please look out for the photos .)

Enjoy some outdoor time and relaxation with your family. The children have all been working so hard in school and amaze me everyday with their capacity for resilience in the face of  very difficult and strange times.

Hope the Easter bunny is hopping around your garden.

Our wee Easter chicks


A super return to class in Primary 6/7!

Our wonderful pupils in Primary 6/7 have settled in very well to in class learning over the past few weeks.  We are so proud of them all!


Throughout the past 3 weeks, we have enjoyed being back together and progressing with our learning.


Some of our highlights…


A range of skills through Spring Art work.

Dancing for Red Nose day!

Observation of a Daffodil using our senses.

We have also started our new novel, Wonder and are looking forward to continuing this after the holidays.


Everyone in Primary 6/7 wishes you all a lovely, safe and relaxing holiday!

P7 Hoodies

Thank you to the parent council who have provided our P7s with their leaver’s hoodies. We are so proud of our amazing P7s as they look forward to their last term at primary school.

Thinking about Easter

A big thank you to  Jean a friend of Eve’s gran who very kindly sent us in Palm crosses  for Easter. This week we have been talking about the Christian Festival of Easter and all the customs associated with it. The crosses provided a great discussion point  when we explored  this theme today.  The children  were so enthusiastic and earnest in their thoughts  and their learning.

Sharing palm crosses for Easter
Easter is…..

Easter is…..
What is Easter………


Primary1 22nd March.

A big thank you for all of those who have sent in their pirate ships. You are such a talented bunch,…….. we have some designers of the future in our mist that is for sure. I am still refining mine so don’t worry you have another week to get them into school for testing!!

The online reading books appear to be going well and I have just had a peek to see who has been doing their reading regularly. I am interested in your thoughts on this and please let me know if you haven’t been able to access. I see they are some pupils who have not yet been using this. Any problems please get in touch and we can sort something out.

Our grid has lots on it so this will take our learning up to Easter break. Once again the wee p 1 are amazing in their resilience and their learning  and are working very hard and playing very hard to make up for all the days we could not be together in class. Thank you for your continued support. learning plan22.03.21

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