Primary 2/3 took ownership of developing our story wall. This week we studied the book “The Day the Crayons Quit”. We have held valuable discussions on feelings, stereotypes and protests. We will be doing more work on this book next week!
Osprey Chicks Naming Challenge!
We are honoured to have been given the opportunity to name 2 female Osprey chicks this year! Pupils have discussed this in class today, as part of our Virtual Assembly. If you wish to suggest a name for one of the little chicks, please share in class on Monday! Remember we are……
Fiction Friday
Fiction Friday
Continuing on from our previously successful ‘Promoting Reading’ campaign and in line with DFS / Inclusive Practice, we would like to introduce you to FICTION FRIDAY.
Over the past years we have gratefully received a number of donated books for our school library. However due to recent times we have not been able to use these books as we used to. We would love for these books to still be read. So, for the next couple of weeks we will be inviting pupils from our ECC – P4 to select a book from our fiction collection to take home, enjoy and keep.
We hope you will support our campaign by sharing the story with your child at home. You can also add a photo of your child with their book on to our Twitter page (@dalmellingtonps) like before, using the new hashtag #FictionFriday.
Cave Paintings in P6/7
This week, we have been learning the history of cave paintings, linking with our class novel ‘Wolf Brother’. We studied the style and materials used thousands of years ago to create colour, then created our own using similar colour paints.
P6/7 Class Charter
Primary 6/7 have developed their Class Charter, linking with Rights. Great discussions around how they would like their classroom environment to be. What a beautiful display in our classroom to remind us everyday.
Woodlands Fun
If you went down to the woods today you might have spotted p2/3 having lots of fun with their learning. A little taster of our day.
P1 Homework
Please find P1 homework in school bags today.
Thank you
P1 Pupil Council
Congratulations to Cameryn and Zach who have been chosen by their class to represent Primary 1 at the school Pupil Council this session. We know you will do a great job.
Primary 2/3 – Homework – Week beginning 30/8/21
Hello again,
Please now find attached the homework for this week.
Get in touch if there are any questions.
Miss Auchnie
Primary 2/3 – Contact details
Hello parents and guardians of Primary 2/3,
Unfortunately, I have not been able to meet any of you. Hopefully, when things get better with Covid there will be that opportunity to meet face to face. However, for now please do not hesitate to reach out to myself via email.
My email address is:
Look forward to being in contact with you all!
Miss Auchnie