Here is this week’s assembly. Our theme this week is Respect and Feeling Included.
Here is this week’s assembly. Our theme this week is Respect and Feeling Included.
This week’s assembly is about aiming high and working towards your goals.
We also learn about the right of the week and Miss Donnelly has a new JRSO competition for you.
We have had lots of fun during World Book Day. Some P4-7 pupils shared stories remotely for the ECC and P1-3. P1 enjoyed a story written by Matthew in P7 ‘The Runaway Easter Bunny’.
It’s Friday again. Here is this week’s assembly. We are focusing on thinking positively when things don’t go to plan.
This week we are thinking about how to be resilient and think about things positively even when we’re finding it difficult. Our assembly this week will be all about this and I’d like to share some of your ideas about times you’ve succeeded even when you found it difficult.
Following on from the guidance posted on the app about the return on Monday 22nd February, here is a video about entrances and exits for the ECC and P1-3 tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you.
This week’s theme is kindness. I hope you do one of the kindness challenges and send it to me to see.
Last week’s challenge was to share our favourite places with our favourite things that make us feel happy and relaxed.
I hope you’ve had a good week. I know you’ve all been working hard. I hope you enjoy this week’s assembly.
Numeracy Strategies for Parents/Carers
This series of videos have been created to share, with parents and carers, some of the approaches to teaching and learning in numeracy, calculation strategies and terminology currently being developed across schools in East Ayrshire: