All posts by Miss Weir

Pupil of the day

This week, Primary 1 have started learning all about the PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) programme. Today, we introduced ‘pupil of the day’ and Jack was first up! Jack received compliments from our little friend Twiggle the turtle, his friends in the class and his teacher. He also gave himself a compliment. He said when someone gives him a compliment it makes him feel very happy. Jack was a fantastic role model as our first pupil of the day!


Primary 1 parents if you are contacting myself or Mrs Forsyth via email could you please send it to both of us. Our emails are:

Thank you and have a lovely weekend 🙂

Taking maths outside!

Primary 1 have been looking at ‘sorting’ this week in maths. We looked at the different ways in which we can sort things. The ideas we came up with were:

  • sorting by colour
  • sorting by size
  • sorting by shape
  • sorting by the type of object

We took our learning outdoors today and had a look at sorting leaves into different groups. We sorted them by colour and split them into 3 groups. Fantastic learning took place during this session. Well done guys!!

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Counting with numicon

Primary 1 have been super busy today learning lots of new things! Today we were exploring the numicon and finding different ways to make numbers to 10. We had to problem solve to make certain numbers by using 2 or 3 pieces of numicon to make them. Amazing work!

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