All posts by Miss Weir

Lest we forget

Primary 1 have been busy this week celebrating ‘Remembrance day’. Here are some pictures of what they’ve been up to in class 🙂

They have also been working so hard with their literacy and numeracy, so hard there are no photos!! They have been using the 10 frames during their number talks to begin to build up their knowledge of number bonds and have been word building and ‘holding a sentence’ in literacy. Super work guys!

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Marvellous maths and fabulous phonics!

Primary 1 have been super busy this week during maths and literacy time.

In maths, they have been focusing on ‘2 more 2 less’. Today during number time, Jaxon and Freya played ‘teacher’ and asked the class a super number question with the Rekenrek. Amazing work guys 🙂

They have been super busy in literacy also, word  building with all their sounds and challenging themselves with trickier words!

Fantastic!! 🙂

Happy Halloween!

Primary 1 had lots of fun this afternoon with their mini ‘Halloween party’ in the class. They played games like musical statues and musical bumps and even had a dancing competition! They looked amazing in their costumes, Happy Halloween 🙂

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