All posts by Ashley McLurkin

ECC – P1 Transition Week 1

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ECC-P1 Transition Week 1

Each week I will post a task for our young people to complete at home.  If your child attends Dalmellington ECC these weekly tasks will be given out at nursery.  For those children who attend other establishments, Stewart’s Fruit and Veg have kindly offered to hold on to these until you can collect at a time that suits you.  We would ask that all completed tasks are handed in to ‘Mrs McLurkin’s Golden Post Box’ which again is in Stewart’s.

The task is outlined by myself in the video contained in the Sway link above.

If you have any questions about the task please contact me via email-

Thank you for your support and cooperation. I look forward to getting to know our new P1 pupils better over the next few weeks.


Ashley McLurkin

PT Transitions

Dalmellington Primary School and ECC




Down Syndrome Awareness Day 2021


Down Syndrome Awareness Day 2021

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we will be marking Down Syndrome Awareness Day at Dalmellington Primary School and ECC.  We would encourage pupils to wear odd socks tomorrow as a way of recognising this day.  Classes will have the opportunity tomorrow to listen to stories and learn more about Down Syndrome.

Further information on Down Syndrome Awareness Day is available online, and can be found by clicking the following link, should you like more information yourself or to share with your family.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to sharing some photographs with you later in the week.


Mrs McLurkin

P6/7 ~ First Day Back

P6/7 ~ First Day Back

Primary 6/7 were full of enthusiasm today and enjoyed getting back into the swing of school life again.

Today we settled back into our routines and took time to discuss our lockdown experiences.  The pupils enjoyed discussing their likes and dislikes from the past few months and were able to talk openly about their feelings about the school return.

Spelling was our task this morning  and art was on the timetable this afternoon.  We started artwork which will be displayed around our community later in the month. Look out for these soon!

Overall, a great first day back.  Well done everyone! We cannot wait to do it all again tomorrow.


P1 Car Safety Fun

Primary 1 had fun this afternoon learning all about car safety.  Leading on from our whole school JRSO competition, P1 explored the importance of using  car seats to travel safely.  They then enjoyed drawing their own maps, creating their own textured traffic lights and building model cars. As part of their learning this afternoon P1 were also reading numbers on a number line whilst investigated how far toy cars travelled.  Our story this afternoon came from the Road Safety Scotland website and can be read again at home by following the link below.  Within the website you will also find lots of other road safety activities as well as parental information on the safe use of car seats.

Ziggy and Maggie start school

Great work P1.  I loved spending the afternoon with you today.


Mrs McLurkin

P4-P7 Return to School Survey

Please click on the link above to complete the survey.  This is for parents/carers of P4-P7 pupils.

In order to support our planning and preparation for our full school return next Monday (15th March 2021), we would appreciate if parents/carers of our P4-P7 pupil could click on the link above to complete the survey to allow us to gather pupil views.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs McLurkin

Online Survey for Parents/Carers of pupils in ECC-P3

Good afternoon ,

Staff at Dalmellington PS and ECC have been working together to ensure the return to school for our ECC – P3 pupils is a success.  In order to support our planning and preparation for the return we would appreciate if parents/carers of our ECC-P3 pupils could complete the following survey to allow us to gather pupil views.

A similar survey will become available for P4-P7 pupils when we have a date for their return.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs McLurkin

Lest We Forget

Thank you to James Paterson Butchers and Stewart’s Fruit and Veg for displaying some of our school Remembrance art work. We love showing our work to the community and as we cannot have any visitors  in school at the moment this is a great way of sharing our learning. We will be joining in the silence as we remember on Wednesday 11th November at 11am. Lest We Forget.