All posts by Ashley McLurkin

Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday

Continuing on from our previously successful ‘Promoting Reading’ campaign and in line with DFS / Inclusive Practice, we would like to introduce you to FICTION FRIDAY.

Over the past years we have gratefully received a number of donated books for our school library.  However due to recent times we have not been able to use these books as we used to. We would love for these books to still be read.  So, for the next couple of weeks we will be inviting pupils from our ECC – P4 to select a book from our fiction collection to take home, enjoy and keep.

We hope you will support our campaign by sharing the story with your child at home. You can also add a photo of your child with their book on to our Twitter page (@dalmellingtonps) like before, using the new hashtag #FictionFriday.

P1 Class Charter

Today P1 created their Class Charter.  They decided on the ‘rights’ that they would like to demonstrate in class this term.  More information on Children’s Rights can be found at

P1 Monday 23rd August 2021

Today P1 looked at the sound ‘m’.  Please ask them all about Maisy’s Mountain.  They could try to draw Maisy’s Mountain at home on paper with a pencil, in the sink using washing up liquid and their finger or even outside using chalk.  Have a look for the letter ‘m’ in the environment too; in street signs, shop signs etc.  There is a very famous golden arch, I wonder if they can guess what that logo stands for…


Later in the week we will also be looking at the sound ‘a’.




ECC-P1 Transition

I have continued to update the ‘P1 Transition’ tab on the blog with the latest videos.  Please check this tab weekly for any additional videos and information coming your way.

Thank you to those who are making use of the Golden Postbox in Stewart’s Fruit and Veg.  It is not too late to post back week 1 activities.

Thank you

Mrs McLurkin