
Our new sounds so far this week have been ‘n’ and ‘i’.  We could practise writing these at home and finding things in our houses beginning with these sounds.

In maths we have now learned all about numbers 0-7, we will be looking at number 8 later in the week.  Ask us all about these numbers at home! We have also been looking at ‘before’, ‘after’ and ‘in between’ using a number line.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar/mini-beasts is proving to be a popular topic.  Mrs McLurkin even had to recue a huge spider that Mrs Boyd has safely hid under a cone yesterday morning.  Mrs McLurkin says that she must remember that Mrs Boyd is scared of spiders when Halloween comes around this year ;).  She says she has changed her planning for teaching us about number eight on Thursday too, we have no idea what she might mean.

Primary 1

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