P1 Remote learning 22.6.21 – 25.6.21

Well, what a sad way to end a great year together!  We hope that everyone stays safe and well and you are able to go ahead with any holiday plans you may have.  As the weather has been fairly good, we would recommend that you spend plenty of time outside playing in your garden over the next few days – play football, hopscotch etc.  You can also do some of the numeracy and maths tasks outdoors – comparing weights and subtracting numbers.

Should you wish to continue with the planned learning you will find a link below to different activities.  There are plenty of video links to support the learning but they are there to provide plenty of variety.  Decide on the ones you want to see.  Mrs Forsyth plans to assign a new reader for our avid bookworms.

Happy holidays when they come.   Mrs Forsyth is already looking forward to working with you again in P2/3.  Mrs Agnew is going to miss you all very much.

P1 Remote learning 22.6.21 – 25.6.21


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