Good morning P1 – Tuesday 12th January

Good morning P1.

I hope that everyone had a good first day with home learning yesterday.  Please send us a wee message to let us know how you are and what learning you have been enjoying – we really want to know.  We miss being in school with you so if you could add a picture to your message then it would be lovely for us to see you.  I know that yesterday was a tricky day with the glow website having lots of problems but I’m hoping that you didn’t find it too tricky using our school app to get the learning suggestions for the week.   For the adults, if you would like your child to use Sumdog as a way to practise number skills then please just email me as I have all the login details for the class.  Be aware that when you do login to Sumdog for the first time, there is a short diagnostic process to gauge the level that your child is at so please make sure that your child answers independently, though you can support to show them how to answer etc.

Today looks like it is going to be a lovely, but chilly day so please take time to get out of the “home classroom”, wrap up warm and enjoy some outdoor time as a family.

Thank you to those children and adults who took time to email us yesterday.  It was so nice to make contact with you so please, even if you just want to say do so.  We are hear to connect and engage with you throughout this learning process.  We also want to know about any technical issues ASAP so that we can sort them out for you.

Missing you all lots.

Mrs Agnew.

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