Home Learning Tasks – P6/7

These are Home Learning Tasks for pupils at home in P6/7 this week.

Please choose 1 literacy and 1 numeracy task from the ‘Self-isolation channel’ in our Class Team, per day.  There are also mindfulness activities in this channel too.

Reading – Giglets – please read your assigned text and complete the follow up tasks.  You can choose other texts as reading for enjoyment too.

You can also explore texts within Bug Club:  https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0

If you require your log in details for this, please email claire.stevenson@eastayrshire.org.uk

Spelling – Within this weeks homework grid, examples of vocabulary using specific phonemes are included.  The link to access this is below.  Create word lists with the phonemes for your group (Oranges ‘k’ phonemes – c, k, ck, ch as in school.  Apples – suffixes – ies, ily and ious.

Homework Grid: P6_7 – Monday 8th November

Maths:  A Sumdog challenge has been set focussing on shape, position and movement.  Please complete this and you can spend time practicing your skills by playing games.

Remembrance Day:  Your task is to watch the video below and take notes. You can watch the video 2 or 3 times to help you with your notes. Remember, notes can be bullet points and do not need to be written in long sentences. When you have the information, share key points in a way of your choice – this can be a poster (hand drawn or digital), a Sway, PowerPoint or Fact File. Remember to include illustrations too.


If you are able to send your Remembrance task before Thursday at 3pm, I will include in our Rights Respecting Section of our Assembly on Friday.

Please share your learning – either upload into our Class Team or email it to me: claire.stevenson@eastayrshire.org.uk

Mrs Stevenson


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