Primary 5/6 Homework

Good morning,

I hope you have all had a wonderful long weekend. We now have our own class blog therefore I will begin uploading homework and class work to our blog. I have attached our homework here this week and will show all children how to access our own blog for next week. If anyone has any issues accessing the blog send me an email and I will help! My email is:

I hope this makes things much easier for you as you will be able to see all of our class work straight from our account!

The homework for the week this week is for all children to practise their spelling words for their spelling test on Friday. The words for the week this week are:


Whizz Kids                             Genius Gems                           Clever Cookies

too                                          above                                                          this

school                                     breakfast                                                that

some                                       cupboard                                                then

never                                       eight                                                          into

high                                         eighteen                                                    get

try                                           experiment                                              got

three                                      first                                                              we

these                                      hear

which                                      listen

what                                        nine






Additionally, this week all children have been encouraged to look for all of the representations of their sound of the week in a contextualised environment – for example the supermarket, on a road sign etc.

Sounds – all representations of f  – Genius Gems

‘ou, igh, y – Whiz Kids and Clever Cookies

Maths homework this week is a TJ worksheet – all children should spend at least half an hour on the sheet, therefore it does not matter if the sheet is not finished, do as much as they can.

For reading this week please log onto Bug Club and complete the newly assigned book for the week – I have uploaded a grammar game for you to play at your leisure.

Children have been issued homework jotters therefore their maths and spelling should be complete in their jotters.

Have a lovely week 🙂

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