P6/7 REMINDER! Information for tomorrow, Wednesday 9th June 2021

We will be heading out to ‘The Meeda’ tomorrow morning for a play in the park and some team games and races.  Please come to school dressed appropriately for the weather – forecast is looking a bit wet for tomorrow, please bring a waterproof.  Pupils can take a snack and water for break time and we will return to school for lunch at 12.30pm.  In the afternoon, pupils will vote for a film to watch.  The films on offer may be rated PG, if you do not wish your child to watch a PG rated film, please contact email Mrs Stevenson:  claire.stevenson@eastayrshire.org.uk

ECC-P1 Transition

I have continued to update the ‘P1 Transition’ tab on the blog with the latest videos.  Please check this tab weekly for any additional videos and information coming your way.

Thank you to those who are making use of the Golden Postbox in Stewart’s Fruit and Veg.  It is not too late to post back week 1 activities.

Thank you

Mrs McLurkin