Preparations are underway for our Sponsored Skipathon!

Primary 6/7 have decided to raise funds in aid of the British Heart Foundation.  We have been learning a range of different skips, using some very fancy footwork during our PE sessions!  After our hard work practising in the sunshine this morning, we designed our advertising posters, continuing to enjoy the outdoors.  We have included our key information on the  posters, with information on how to sponsor being shared next week.

Primary 5-John Muir Award

This term Primary 5 will be working towards their John Muir Award. To achieve this award they need to spend 25 hours connection with, enjoying and caring for a wild place. Their wild place will be the Mote and Dalmellington. Our journey towards the John Muir Award will take place every Monday afternoon for the remainder of the school year. Therefore, can Primary 5 dress for an outdoor day on a Monday as well as a Thursday. P.E will continue to be on a Thursday. I will be posting pictures of our journey on my twitter page which is @MissDonnelly16 as well as on the Weekly Round Up!



Miss Donnelly

Good to be back

It was lovely to see the excited enthusiastic faces raring to go today. Hard to believe we are in our last term of Primary 1. We had a busy day starting our new home reader ( which I have added on the Oxford Owl site) Flip frog  and the bug. Our new sound is a-e and I have sent home a sheet for the children to practise their Fred Talk and speedy reading. As the weather was so lovely today we took our spelling outside amazing to see them working so hard and having fun. We shall be looking at money this term so now is the time to empty the piggy banks and start sorting the coins.

A busy first day back in P6/7 with Real Life Learning!

A  busy day to welcome our Primary 6/7s back into school today.  After a holiday check in and catch up with each other, we were straight to work with spelling and continuing  developing reading skills with our novel ‘Wonder’.  We have also started learning about the Scottish Parliament and linking our learning to the upcoming elections.  We are looking forward to finding out the roles within the Parliament and impact this has on our lives.