P1 Using the oxford Owl

Thank you for your patience with me as I get used to assigning the books to the children. We have had a few questions and teething problems this week but hopefully as we become more familiar with using  it things will settle down. I am not intending to replace books as I am a very avid reader and  although I have a kindl I still love nothing more than a book. We use real books in class  !

I am trying to provide a variety of texts for reading at home so the children get a bit of challenge . Please don’t feel pressure to read all texts every night….. but do please read daily . The children are doing so well with their literacy and their reading and writing skills improve each day. Please let me know what you think of this resource as  I personally think it is a great way as it cuts down on missing books, forgotten books  etc and allows the children a bit more choice. I will be interested at the end of the trial to hear your views as I would really like to get this a s a permanent  resource. Happy reading.

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