Welcome back P1

We are excited and very happy to welcome our primary 1’s back to school tomorrow. A big thank you for all your wonderful work supporting your children and sending snapshots of their learning. We shall continue to post a grid of proposed learning weekly or every 2 weeks depending on where the chikdren lead us. We hope you will find this useful.

I  am collecting bits and pieces of our home learning for a learning lockdown journal so if you have any pictures , drawing etc you want to share please send into school. Early to bed for everyone tonight.!!

Online Survey for Parents/Carers of pupils in ECC-P3

Good afternoon ,

Staff at Dalmellington PS and ECC have been working together to ensure the return to school for our ECC – P3 pupils is a success.  In order to support our planning and preparation for the return we would appreciate if parents/carers of our ECC-P3 pupils could complete the following survey to allow us to gather pupil views.

A similar survey will become available for P4-P7 pupils when we have a date for their return.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs McLurkin

Weekly Challenge

This week we are thinking about how to be resilient and think about things positively even when we’re finding it difficult. Our assembly this week will be all about this and I’d like to share some of your ideas about times you’ve succeeded even when you found it difficult.