Good morning P1 Wednesday 3rd February

Mrs Forsyth and I are loving all the photos and videos you are sending in about your learning.  Please keep this up – we love to see your smiling faces and the improvements you are making in your reading, writing and numbers.

Mrs Forsyth will be in school today but like me, she is looking forward to speaking with you all at our V-scene meeting this afternoon at 1.30pm.  Mrs Greig asked everyone to bring something they would like to share or talk about with everyone – just like “Show and Tell” at school.

I would also like to ask you to get a bingo board ready using our red words.  If you look at the red words PowerPoint (link below) there are many to choose from – although looking back I realise that I’ve written one twice!  If you have a bingo board ready then we can have a game of bingo together – just like we would if we were in school.

Another thing I would like you to do for me before the meeting, is to have a think about where we want our learning to take us next.  I can see from your photos and videos that you have been loving our “Space” topic.  Let’s think about what our next one could be and we can have a chat about that today too!  See you at 1.30pm!

Red words bingo