That Friday feeling P1

Good morning everyone and a big thank you for all the hard work that you have shared this week. The poetry has been a particular highlight of my week  but some fantastic skills being practised and some lovely investigation in our topic about space. More lovely thing to come next week. The first early signs of Spring crept into my kitchen this week in form of some lovely yellow daffodils so perhaps if you are out and about in the fresh air today you may spot some too.  A bright morning for some outside time.  Let us know what you like doing best in your home learning and we shall have a think for next week and try to include some of your favourite things. Keep busy and be helpful and kind to your family.

Good morning P1

Good morning P1 you have been all working so hard this week and we have had some lovely activities sent  for us to share. Just a wee reminder that we are  excited to  see your poetry recitals. We have a had some excellent ones so far so confident, clear and with actions!  Hope you are also doing some Scottish dancing and getting all the family involved. You are such amazing children and lucky to have fantastic parents helping to share. Look out for our new sound igh video coming soon and keep practising everyday.

Good morning P1 Wednesday 20th January

Good morning Primary 1.

Mrs Forsyth and I are so proud of all the hard work you are doing at home. Well done to all the adults at home for supporting us to keep our learning active and fun.

Remember you only have until tomorrow to send in a wee video of your Scottish poem

Any issues, concerns or sharing of work please email me as Mrs Forsyth is working at school today.

Have a great Wednesday!


I am so sorry but I can’t seem to get my storytelling video to upload. I have however found a clip of the author reading her own story  actually on Loch Ness which I am sure  you all will  enjoy. I can’t wait to see your art work too. What would you take in your backpack if you went loch ness monster hunting? Try this :-

No Such Thing as Nessie

Send me your pictures for our virtual gallery.