
I am so sorry but I can’t seem to get my storytelling video to upload. I have however found a clip of the author reading her own story  actually on Loch Ness which I am sure  you all will  enjoy. I can’t wait to see your art work too. What would you take in your backpack if you went loch ness monster hunting? Try this :-

No Such Thing as Nessie

Send me your pictures for our virtual gallery.

Good Tuesday Morning P1

Morning everyone. Mrs. Agnew and I loved that you were all practising your  focused sound,” ee” and reading your assigned reading books yesterday. Keep up all that good work, learning all these skills and being super smart children. Today lookout for a story time (A story about a very famous monster)and a little relaxation through  an art lesson. Remember practise makes perfect and permanent! Little and often with your activities and have plenty of time for outdoor play and fun. Thanks again parents for keeping us informed with the lovely pictures of all your exciting  activities. These are the highlight of our day.