P1 topic questions

Hi everyone.

For some reason – unknown to me – the topic image from our learning across the curriculum grid did not transfer through the school blog to the school app (even though it is showing in the blog page).  So for your information I have attached this image here so that you can see the questions the children had asked about our topic “Space”.  Unfortunately this forum does not give me the chance to turn the image the right way round!  We will tackle a new question each week and it would be good to get the facts that you have learned in a wee email so that we can share them with everyone.

Morning P1. Here we go week 2!

Morning P1! We know you will all be raring to get going this week with all the lovely activities we have shared . We have had a sneaky preview of some of the  poems you have been learning and we have been amazed at how hardworking you all have been. Remember to try and be independent at your learning and help your busy parents.  Look out this morning for a video of our new sound ee to get our week off to a super start. Stay safe and have fun with your learning.