Locals’ opinion on the Superschool matter! by Alix K. S2

Photo credit Sheppard Robson

As the new ‘superschool’ – which is going to be situated in Broomfield, Cumnock – is in the design process, the long-awaited images of the plans are now available to the public. This article is based on pupils and parent’s views of the school and what they hope is included in the new school.

David Kay, the parent of a Cumnock Academy pupil, believes that the facility needs to be fully accessible to young people with a variety of needs and fully inclusive of all.

David also believes that overall the campus has a positive impact on the community as during our interview he said: “The community is fortunate to have such a state of the art facility, to be built in the middle of it which will strengthen the relationships of the young people of Cumnock and Auchinleck.”


Lucy M. – a pupil from Cumnock Academy – also believes the school should be built with disabled children in mind, for example, lowered light switches and easy access classrooms.

Lucy M., a second-year pupil who attends Cumnock Academy said “the whole reason people are against the new school is where it is being built – Broomfield, where a lot of people like to go during their spare time.” This may show the council that the public are not against the superschool, yet where it is going to be situated.

Evie S., another pupil from Cumnock Academy, believes that new state of the art facilities should be in place to help different departments thrive.

In addition, David Kay, the father of a Cumnock Academy pupil believes that locker space would be hugely beneficial from their own experience as their daughter suffers from back pain due to the heavy bag she carries around the school daily.

Also, as a Cumnock Academy pupil myself, I think a study room should be put in place, equip with computers and state of the art technology to help the students. This would be a great aid to the students to help them study especially for pupils who don’t have access to the internet or a place which is quiet and peaceful.

Another issue which the ‘superschool’ carries is that both Cumnock Academy and Auchinleck Academy are merging. This may cause some problems due to the supposed ‘rivalry’ between both schools. Lucy Menzies, a pupil from Cumnock Academy, has mixed emotions about both academies merging as the propaganda of the two academies being rivals, yet she believes a good aspect of the merger is that pupils will meet new friends.


After research, it has become apparent that included in the plans are purpose-built areas for dining, games,  sport and recreation, information communication technology, drama and the arts which will hopefully include some of the ideas above.


By Alix K. S2




by Carrie G.

New £64million super campus for Cumnock in East Ayrshire will join
primary and secondary school in areas of Auchinleck, Cumnock, New
Cumnock, Mauchline and many more. When built it will be one of the
largest schools in Europe. The school has caused concern among the
local people due to a lack of clarity about travel plans, traffic,
and the demolition of Broomfield which is the proposed site for 
the new school.
Photo credit Sheppard Robson


The building of a new school may not be news for many, however, for this small town the construction of a £64 million ‘Super Campus’ is definitely a big deal.
Though this article will consider the merging of the Cumnock and Auchinleck communities, much of the focus will be on Cumnock as the majority of the schools that are moving into the new campus are located there.





The current school rolls

Many of the schools in the local area are not fulfilled to their capacity and therefore are wasting millions of pounds in running costs every year.

The school buildings that currently exist in the area have an age of anywhere
from 42 years old to over 100 years old. While we are proud to have schools in Cumnock and Auchinleck with such history however the age of these buildings can and sadly does mean many are now falling into disrepair and are costing the local authority a lot of money to keep them up and running. For example Greenmill Primary, which was previously the old Cumnock Academy building, has parts of the building which are over 170 years old. This is a beautiful old building but that is exactly the problem. It is too out dated and on too many different levels that it causes an access problem for pupils with a physical disability.

It’s not just the buildings themselves that are outdated and in need of repair but the facilities within the buildings too. Obviously it would be a difficult task to modernise any building that is over a century old however when you combine a lack resources with a lack of funding in deprived areas like Cumnock and Auchinleck the existing schools are bound to be

The ceiling of the crush area in Cumnock Academy.
Photo credit Carrie G.

more than a bit behind times. However the new campus will be built using a grant from the Scottish government that will simply go to waste if unused.

Obviously when you want to slap a brand new ‘super school’ into the middle of a small community and, in the process, bulldoze schools that the majority of the population attended as a child themselves, there will be objections. I sympathise with the people in Cumnock and Auchinleck who have protested to the construction of a new campus. I understand that the plans for the school essentially involve tearing apart an area that holds many memories for a lot of people, however I currently attend Cumnock Academy and while I will be sad to see it torn down, the area is in desperate need of new resources and I agree whole heartedly with the statement “Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together”.

There have been many negative things said about the campus and the main focus of these complaints is the loss of a large open area of Broomfield; which is the proposed site for the new campus .However what the people protesting the ‘destruction’ of Broomfield don’t realise is that it is not demolition but a renovation.

Broomfield playing fields Credit- Jordan O.

The plans for the school clearly show brand new and better facilities to replace those being removed for the construction of the campus. In fact the new facilities will not only be an upgrade on the existing ones but they will also be made more available for use by the public outside school hours. The majority of Cumnock residents have attended this school but I wonder when the last time they took a look inside it was. I wonder if they saw the old fashioned classroom space, the paint peeling from the damaged walls and froze themselves sitting in one of the classrooms because the heating doesn’t always work. I wonder if then they’d realise how badly the residents of East Ayrshire need this new campus

While planning this article I thought it made sense to meet with the architects of the new campus, after all who better to explain the amazing new facilities that the community will be gaining than the people who designed them.

I met with architect Adam McGhee of Sheppard Robson, who kindly showed me the plans and explained the choices that have been made concerning the Knockroon Campus. He told me of the many amazing resources that will be included in the new school. This includes study areas, internet access, better access to technology and many more. For example a hydro therapy pool, one of which currently exists in Hillside Primary School however the relocation of this resource will mean that families will be able to access it more easily and on a more frequently basis, outside of school hours if needed.Regardless of claims by certain groups within the community the new campus will be an asset to the local area. Granted we may have to tear up Broomfield in order to construct it, but in return for a muddy field with poor drainage, a worn out running track and a ruined pavilion we will be gaining two amazing rugby full sized cushioned rugby and football pitches, an upgrade to the existing AstroTurf at Cumnock Academy, a new running track, various garden and outdoor learning spaces and better covered walkways, paths and access to Broomfield. As someone who has to walk across Broomfield to get to and from school every day, I can tell you that it is in desperate need of an upgrade unless of course you like your child walking through small lakes to get to school in the morning.

As a pupil of Cumnock Academy who has lived in Cumnock her whole life, I have many memories of Cumnock Academy, which is why I sympathise with the people who don’t want to see it demolished.

The pathway to the academy Credit Carrie G.

My mother, father and grandfather went to this school; I had hoped my brothers and sister would go there too. I’ll admit, to begin with I was sceptical of the idea of this school but I now realise that having a £64 million super campus, one of the largest schools in Europe no less, built in our area can only mean more opportunities for the community. While there have been concerns over environmental issues and traffic congestion, I’m hoping to comfort you with the fact that rather than a loss of brown space, we will in fact be gaining better quality green areas and an increase in trees and hopefully wildlife. The concerns about traffic congestion I can put to rest as the plans for the school show that the main premise is a park and stride idea, where cars will be kept away from the play areas around the school and pupils will be encouraged to either walk through what is currently the Cumnock academy site or from a nearby car park should they require more assistance.

Concept art for the school
Credit Sheppard Robson

This is an improvement on the current academy sites which both have very little play space and what little space we have is located right next to a car park; a source of many safety concerns for many parents and staff. This campus is a major win for the community and rather than protesting it we should be working with the local authority to make it an even better place for future generations


Representation of women in power

BBC PM trousers story

Newspaper headlines about rows within political parties are nothing new – but this one seems to have been sparked by a pair of leather trousers. Here’s how it all unfolded.

It’s just over a fortnight since Theresa May gave an “at home” interview to the Sunday Times, telling the paper about her childhood and explaining how Brexit keeps her awake at night. But it was her choice of trousers – which cost a reported £995 – that provoked most discussion.
“I don’t have leather trousers. I don’t think I’ve ever spent that much on anything apart from my wedding dress,” former Education Secretary Nicky Morgan told The Times, adding that the trousers had been “noticed and discussed” in Tory circles.

She added: “My barometer is always: ‘How am I going to explain this in Loughborough market?”‘

It was at this point that the story really took off, with another Conservative backbench MP, Nadine Dorries, taking Mrs Morgan to task.

“I think it shows Nicky Morgan’s comments were sexist, because she never criticised David Cameron’s extremely expensive suits,” she told the Daily Mail.

Mrs Morgan then found herself “disinvited” to a meeting at Downing Street to discuss Brexit, The Guardian reported.

Asked during a visit to Bahrain about the suggestion the price tag of the trousers made her “out of touch”, the PM spoke of “the importance of a country that works for everyone”, saying she had travelled around the country and “met people in a whole variety of circumstances”.


‘Tedious’ and ‘impertinent’

Former chancellor Ken Clarke has not been impressed, telling the Sunday Politics it was “tedious” that stories about what women politicians were wearing featured in the newspapers.

“I feel sorry for women in politics,” he said. “I’m glad to say men in politics don’t have great news stories about what they are wearing.

“In my case, apart from my suede shoes, I’m probably very lucky because I’m not a very snappy dresser.

“Nicky and Theresa, I hope, will have some serious political discussions. If they want to have an argument about what they are wearing I think all their closest friends would advise them to keep that private.”

Young people are “more likely to get their news from Social Media than traditional sources.


Social media has overtaken television as young people’s main source of news, according to a report.

Of the 18-to-24-year-olds surveyed, 28% cited social media as their main news source, compared with 24% for TV.

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism research also suggests 51% of people with online access use social media as a news source.

This trend and the rising use of mobile phones to access news are undermining traditional business models.

The report, now in its fifth year, is based on a YouGov survey of about 50,000 people across 26 countries, including 2,000 Britons.

In its introduction, the report says “a second wave of disruption” has hit news organisations around the world, with “potentially profound consequences both for publishers and the future of news production”.

What is Social Media?

a) Research this topic either online or in the library, textbooks etc.

Find some relevant examples of what Social Media is and how people use it. Note some positive aspects of the world of Social Media and some negative ones.

b) Collate your research into one well written paragraph to explain to your reader what Social Media is, how people use it both responsibly and irresponsibly. This will be your introduction to the topic for your reader(s).

Note down which sources you used to find out the information you decided to include in your paragraph.

c) Higher Candidates > Watch Savage World of Social Media

NB – this is not suitable for younger viewers.

Take notes as you watch. Note things which are negative in one column. Write down things which are positive in another.

S4 task Single page advert – perfume

1 Read through the slides on the PowerPoint on Public.
2 Plan to make a single page advert for the following perfume: Acqua Di Gioia
3 You must plan in writing and drawings before you make.
4 Pay attention to slide 4 in particular and plan for six or more sections from that slide.
5 After you have made your plans you will be allowed to take suitable original photographs for your final advert.

Jurassic World

Jurassic World echoes Jurassic Park quite closely: The ‘monster-in-a-box’ gets loose. The narrative then becomes an exercise in escape and survival then defeating the ‘monster’ — Todorov: equilibrium/disruption/recognition/resolution/new equilibrium.



Teenage heroes – Gray and Zach need to lose their caretaker Zara, then take off on their own in order to get into trouble. Why? To create high interest stakes in the characters whose  trip to the park is shown and with whom  the typical teenage audience will most identify.

Adult leads – Aunt Claire’s desperate need to find the boys. This leads her to Owen for help, cementing together this “opposites attract” pair of characters. A bit of romance helps to sell tickets to adults. The damsel in distress is actually not that incapable – she’s a gutsy modern women who wears high heels while fighting dinosaurs! But, having a brave man allows her to act to save the boys.

The plot services the “showy” bits, the 3D dinosaurs. The audience really wants to experience thrills and frights in a safe environment.


Media has various roles.

It can meet needs by entertaining, educating or informing its audience.

Media can also influence attitudes and behaviours. There can be intentional or unintentional  changes in attitude and behaviours of the audience(s).

Media can also serve particular purposes such as making a profit, promoting self-interest or performing a public service.

Thinking about The Apprentice, what need(s) of the audience does it meet? Give particular examples in your detailed response.

Again thinking about The Apprentice, how might this programme influence behaviours and attitudes? Give specific examples in your answer.

Finally, what purpose(s) does The Apprentice serve? Give examples from the programme to illustrate your answer.


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