All posts by Mrs Muldoon

Pancake Day



Song and rhyme words

Pop a little pancake into the pan.

Pop a little pancake into the pan.

Pop a little pancake into the pan.

That’s for my dinner today.

Shake a little sugar with a shake, shake, shake!

Shake a little sugar with a shake, shake, shake!

Shake a little sugar with a shake, shake, shake!

That’s for my dinner today.

Squeeze a little lemon with a squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!

Squeeze a little lemon with a squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!

Squeeze a little lemon with a squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!

That’s for my dinner today.

Toss a little pancake up in the air!

Toss a little pancake up in the air!

Toss a little pancake up in the air!

That’s for my dinner today

Eat it all up with a yum, yum, yum!

Eat it all up with a yum, yum, yum!

Eat it all up with a yum, yum, yum!

That’s for my dinner today.



Communication Tip of the Month

Here are some fun activities for you to enjoy with your children at home. We have added a link to the website which includes a story – The Dawn Chorus by Suzanne Barton.

These activities will help you communication with your child in different ways.

Watch and listen to the birds

Go outside to your garden or an outside space. Look around carefully and listen to the sounds you can hear. Can you see or hear any birds singing? Try it at different times of the day and talk about what you have discovered.

Hanging birds

Create your own birds like the ones in the book. Visit Suzanne Barton’s website for a template or draw your own. You can paint or colour the birds and even add feathers and googly eyes. Encourage your child to talk about what they are doing as they create their birds.


We hope you have lots of fun

from Mrs Steele and Mrs Donaldon

Communication Champions.

Meet the Team


Happy New Year from all of us at Crosshouse ECC.

Welcome to our new blog.

We will be posting activity ideas and helpful information to help whilst at home during this time.

We would like to know what your favourite  
present from Santa was?

Can you draw a picture of this and email it to Mrs McWhinnie.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing them. 😃

Activity Ideas

We have compiled a list of websites that have great ideas to keep busy at home.

Click on the below links:


Scottish Book Trust who run Bookbug have a range of resources and videos for all to join in with.

Carol’s French Friday

Week 1

We will continue to update this list