All posts by Mrs McPhee

Thursday Maths Activity

Each day in the ECC we make playdough. We have a recipe we follow. Why not give it a try or see what recipes you can find and make your own things.
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
2 tablespoons oil
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 cups hot water (get a grown up to help with this bit)

⭐Maths Week⭐

This week is Scottish maths week. It is a week long celebration of maths and numeracy. We thought we would share some off the things we have been doing in the ecc and have given you ideas to try at home. Please share any photos of things  you have done or anything linked to maths and numeracy with us via email so we can celebrate scottish maths week within the ecc.
Caroline and Tracy
Numeracy and STEM Champions
We have been introducing the children to some nursery rhymes and songs now that we are allowed to sing again. Here is a few to try at home.

Friday Outdoor Fun

We had a visitor at our ECC today.

Robert is a Forest Schools Coordinator in Glasgow and he came to Crosshouse today to teach us about making fires, using the Kelly kettle and using a flint and steel.

The children (and staff) had lots of fun making Dragon’s breath and fire flies and drinking hot chocolate made in our Kelly kettle.

Ask your child all about fire safety and what they learned today They were all superstar!!

They may smell a bit smokey!

Big Thank you to Robert!

More pictures to follow 🙂