Star Room ⭐️
The star room have been settling in well playing with their friends again. The children have been very busy building houses, looking for treasure in the sand, making play dough and enjoying stories.
Outside we have been very creative building models using our loose parts and construction area. The children demonstrated good team work and problem solving. All the children took part in some exercise using a variety of movements. The mud kitchen was very popular where we made mud pies.
The Sun Room ☀️
The children in the sun room have settled in well and enjoyed seeing their nursery friends again. We have very busy exploring indoors and outdoors.
We have been writing stories and drawing our favourite book characters. We have been in the messy corner playing with play dough, digging for vegetables in the compost and planing herbs for the garden. Lots of fun and games in the numeracy area.
Nice to see all the children enjoying themselves with their friends. Peace of mind seeing Willow happy interacting.
Lovely to see inside Gregor’s little world!