The Creative room

Welcome to our Creative Zone where the children love to explore arts & crafts, role play, water and a variety of messy, sensory play experiences such as dough, shaving foam, and gloop, the list goes on – the messier the better! The children are encouraged to channel their inner creativity to produce wonderful masterpieces –  after all “Every child is an artist!”  in Crosshouse ECC. You will notice that the majority of your child’s work is uniquely theirs, we encourage child led experiences which support individuality, and believe that art is about the process and not the end product.

The playdough area is always a popular spot where the children love to mix the ingredients independently which encourages problem solving, sharing, turn taking and numeracy skills. They also like to add colours, scents and sometimes some sparkle!

The home corner and kitchen area is always a favourite where the children will act out real life experiences and often make cupcakes and a “wee cup of tea” for the teachers. You may have noticed that we also use authentic resources in this area to enhance the children’s play and learning – real objects give opportunity for intrigue and curiosity whilst managing risk.

 The water tray is a favourite, the children love to fill and empty containers and experiment with a variety of objects. And when it all gets too much we have a cosy sofa area where the children can cuddle up, chill out and relax with a book – we are in the process of further developing this area to make it really nice and homely!

The Social Room

Welcome to our Social Room, often referred to by the children as the quiet room. In this zone the children are encouraged to let their imagination run wild! The room has an abundance of opportunities for the children to engage in role play. You may have noticed that we use “real” resources such as shoes, handbags, make up brushes, perfume bottles etc. to spark the children’s curiosity and creativity. Whether it’s a picnic, trip to the beach, or re-enacting their favourite stories, the children love to dress up and act out real life experiences.

The room has lots of cosy wee spaces for the children to relax and feel safe, we even have a real bed which the children love to snuggle up in – after all, nursery can be a tiring business!! This room is particularly popular in the afternoon, after lunch time.

Books & stories are a firm favourite across the ECC, our book corner is always busy, and staff are always on hands to read to our wee people or sing songs and rhymes together.

The room has lots of resources for our children to express themselves whether it be through mark making,  retelling/creating stories, using puppets and props, discussing themselves and their families, talking about similarities and differences, or exploring our feelings.

You may have noticed one of our signs that is up in the room:

“Happy times are never ending, when we’re playing and pretending”

We think this sums up our Social room perfectly!

Settling In

All of our children are now starting to settle into the new term and become familiar with our ECC routine.

It is so lovely to have all of our parents/carers, old & new, back into the building, as we begin to return to some normality.

We know that drop off & collection can be a rush for some, and it may not always be parents who come to the ECC, so we thought that it would be helpful to post some pictures, and information, about each of our playrooms & garden, as we know that not everyone makes it in to the nursery.

So look out for posts about the ECC and our staff team as you get to know us all a little bit better!



❤️Welcome back❤️

We can’t wait to see all our returning children tomorrow!

By now parents & carers should have received an email with information for returners. All children should be dropped off & collected at the main entrance/front door tomorrow (Thursday).

Drop off will be 8.45 and collection is  2.45 (unless 12.30 finish) tomorrow only.

As of Friday we will welcome parents back in to the ECC building to drop off & collect their children within the playrooms.

Doors will be open for drop off between 8.45-9 and collection between 2.30-2.45.

We can’t wait to welcome our little people back and are excited to have our big people coming back into the building ❤️

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