Feedback Friday 22/05/2020

Hello P5,

What a busy week you have all been having and thank you for your updates and completed work. I hope you enjoyed the Health Week activities and I am looking forward to any updates about your Virtual Sports Day activities.

Well done to Eilidh for completing the Titanic comprehension task.  I thought her Wish Jar was a great idea.  🙂

Ellie created a beautiful picture from natural materials and conducted a very exciting Volcano experiment! She also completed one of The Lorax tasks about the main character.

Flynn was very lucky to get a new trampoline – I hope he has been having lots of fun bouncing!

Harry has been working hard transforming his garden and being very green-fingered planting too.

I love this idea. Harry has up-cycled tins to create lanterns and by hammering small holes in the shape of different leaves, the light will glow through.

Lucca has been busy looking after his pet frogs 🙂

Luke has been completing his numeracy work – well done for getting all your multiplication calculations correct.

Olivia has some little caterpillars and I am very excited to see their progress and journey to becoming beautiful butterflies.

Sophie has been very busy completing the Learning Grid activities and has been enjoying the egsoil lessons she had noticed on the grid from a few weeks ago. She has been doing a community litter pick and using her numeracy skills, has created a chart showing the different types of litter.

Thank you for all the updates P5, I am looking forward to your blog updates and remember you can email me too.

Thank you,

Mrs Kelly 🙂

4 thoughts on “Feedback Friday 22/05/2020”

  1. Wow! P5 you have certainly all been busy. I am so pleased with how hard everyone is trying. It’s great to see your work posted here. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    I look forward to seeing you, although we know now that won’t be for a little while.

    Take care and keep up the good work!

    All the best,
    Miss Dasgupta.

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