Hi P5,
Here we are, another week into lockdown and you have been sharing lots of your work and what you have been doing, thank you very much. I enjoy seeing these updates and helping where I can. I hope you are all enjoying the Health Week activities and I am really looking forward to seeing any Sports Day activities – did you work out which one I was in the video?
I really enjoyed taking part in Fenwick’s walk500miles challenge and I have been continuing to try and walk 5km as often as I can. I am alternating between 5km, fitness and Zumba to keep fit.
I have continued with my cooking/baking journey. This week I made a steak pie – Mr Kelly’s favourite meal – and fairy cakes. I totally forgot to take a picture of the end result!
I got a new phone this week so I decided to try out the camera on it with a portrait picture of Penny and Daisy, I think it worked quite nicely – Penny was very keen to show you all her new toy.
At the weekend, we had a family game of Bingo! I managed to get a line first but didn’t win the whole game unfortunately.
It has become quite drizzly over the last few days and I was amused to see a very grumpy bunny sitting in the middle of my garden, looking very unhappy about the rain. It’s wee ears were flat against its back and it was all tucked in trying to keep dry – I am not sure why it didn’t just go for cover. Paddy has continued to be lazy and snooze in the field.
Dylan and I have been homeschooling daily and he is doing well, he misses his friends and grandparents and is looking forward to going back to school to see his teacher. I hope you are all managing ok too and remember to just do what you can when you can. It is very strange for us all and sometimes you might feel a little sad or glum about being not seeing your friends and family or being at school – this is normal and the best way is to share your feelings with someone and talk about it.
I will send you all a little message with next week’s Learning Grid so remember to look out for it.
Take lots of care and I look forward to seeing your updates on your blogs or email.
Mrs Kelly
I think you were in the score a goal one, but I could be wrong.
Yes, that was me