We planted from spring bulbs outside in the planters. Look out for them in the Spring!
We planted from spring bulbs outside in the planters. Look out for them in the Spring!
P1 have had a busy few weeks with lots of different learning experiences. Here is a snapshot of what they have been getting up to!
The Great Fenwick Bake Off
Pupils worked together to measure ingredients to make some delicious apple muffins for The Great Fenwick Bake Off competition.
We had a visit from Angela from Childsmile and Snappy the crocodile who showed us how to brush our teeth properly.
P1 brush their teeth daily after lunch in class.
We watched a video about the Global Goals and talked about what changes we could make to help our planet.
We all added what we would like to change to a jigsaw piece.
“We are all a small piece of the jigsaw.”
We have been practising our underarm throw and aiming at the target in PE this week.