20.4.20: Learning Grid

(Mrs Conetta is now on Maternity leave, however, Mrs O’Neill and Mrs Davidson will work together to create new P1 learning grids for a Monday morning and Mrs Davidson will respond to emails and comments – please email earobyn.davidson@glow.sch.uk)

See below this week’s Primary 1 Learning Grid.

There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you.  Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan.  Please note, these activities are not mandatory

Click here to see the learning grid.

Try to ‘leave a comment’ on this post (20.4.20: Learning Grid) sharing at least 1 activity you have tried this week.  A teacher will check the comments on a Friday.

A new grid will be uploaded next Monday, therefore it is important that you check the class blog regularly.  You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City.

Remember to share this information with your peers to make sure everyone is aware of it.

10 thoughts on “20.4.20: Learning Grid”

  1. Hope everyone had a lovely Easter in the garden sunshine.
    I have tried “Hit the button” today – it was fun!

    1. I hope you had a lovely Easter too! We have been very lucky with the weather. Well done for having a go at ‘Hit the Button’! Mrs Davidson.

  2. Hi, Amy Wilson here from P1. I’ve saved some certificates In a folder on my Glow and shared them with Mrs Conetta & Mrs Davidson. Please let me know if you can see them 🙂

    I also took a picture of the Alphablocks task from the Learning Plan. Where can I post this? 🙂

    1. Hi Amy, it’s Mrs Davidson. Mrs Conetta is now on Maternity leave, so I will try my best to check the blog each week. Well done for all of your hard work!

  3. Hi it is Abbie here!
    Today I did my alphabet in rainbow colours and my mummy gave me 2 big ticks and a smiley face!
    I also did some work on education city and I learned that burgers have sugar in them.
    My neighbour has given me and my sister Ellie some tadpoles to look after – how exciting.
    One of the tadpoles has grown legs!!

    1. Hi Abbie! It sounds as though you are having lots of fun at home, I am glad! Remember, your parents can share photos with me via email or tag the school Twitter account so we can share some of your wonderful work. Well done!

  4. Hi Mrs Davidson

    It’s Eve,

    I really liked reading and completing the Giglets reading task on the book called ‘Light!’. My favourite part of the book was reading about making shadows when its sunny, I have been doing this in my garden which is lots of fun. I didn’t know that flowers close at night-time, so this was something new to learn. I have a drawn a lovely picture of a flower which is on my window and I like trying to find other pictures when we go out for our walk.

    Love Eve x

    1. Hi Eve! It’s lovely to hear about some of the work you have been doing. I really like that you have put you picture of the flower in your window for others to see. Well done!

      Mrs Davidson

  5. This week I did a shape hunt in the garden. It was super fun and harder than we thought it would be!
    We read the book “hugless douglass” and I wrote about my favourite part. I thought it was so funny that he tried to hug a giant rock.
    I also watched Ivys Plant shop, I really enjoyed this as I am growing my own vegetables in my vegetable patch.
    Thank you for sending my work through, from Mason

    1. Wow, Mason, you have been very busy this week and it sounds like you had lots of fun! I think it is wonderful that you are growing your own vegetables in the garden too.

      Mrs Davidson

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