27.4.20: Learning Grid

Welcome to the world, Grace Conetta. Mummy and baby are doing great…Mrs Conetta was super organised, as ever, and managed to have baby Grace on her due date! Isn’t she a beauty!


See below this week’s Primary 1 Learning Grid.

There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you.  Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan.  Please note, these activities are not mandatory

Click here to see the learning grid.

Click here to see the spelling words.

Try to ‘leave a comment’ on this post (27.4.20: Learning Grid) sharing at least 1 activity you have tried this week.  A teacher will check the comments on a Friday.

A new grid will be uploaded next Monday, therefore it is important that you check the class blog regularly.  You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City.

Remember to share this information with your peers to make sure everyone is aware of it.

20.4.20: Learning Grid

(Mrs Conetta is now on Maternity leave, however, Mrs O’Neill and Mrs Davidson will work together to create new P1 learning grids for a Monday morning and Mrs Davidson will respond to emails and comments – please email earobyn.davidson@glow.sch.uk)

See below this week’s Primary 1 Learning Grid.

There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you.  Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan.  Please note, these activities are not mandatory

Click here to see the learning grid.

Try to ‘leave a comment’ on this post (20.4.20: Learning Grid) sharing at least 1 activity you have tried this week.  A teacher will check the comments on a Friday.

A new grid will be uploaded next Monday, therefore it is important that you check the class blog regularly.  You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City.

Remember to share this information with your peers to make sure everyone is aware of it.

Happy Easter from Mrs Conetta

I hope you all have a lovely 2 week holiday with your family.  Have a Happy Easter Holiday!

Good luck for the Summer Term, I will miss you.

I am going to enjoy putting my feet up for a couple of weeks and hopefully munching on some Easter eggs!!

Here is our little Easter video from #teamfenwick to put a smile on your face.


I have scheduled the next P1 Learning Grid to be posted on Monday 20th April.

Best wishes and take care,

Mrs Conetta

1.4.20: Update from Mrs Conetta

Hi Primary 1!

I am missing being at school with you all and thinking about all the things I had planned for the last couple of weeks.

I hope you are enjoying completing the activity ideas that I have sent home and I can see lots of you have been playing the games on Education City.  Great work!

Remember if you want to share any learning you have been doing this week, click ‘Leave a comment’ on the 30.3.20 Learning Grid post and I look forward to reading them on Friday.

I thought I would share some of the things I have been doing over the last week, as the days can seem long when you are not at school and able to see your family and friends.

I have been making sure I get out for a walk each day with Mr C.  It has been nice to see the sun shining and getting some fresh air.

I have been doing some baking and made yummy pancakes.

When it has been warm enough, I have enjoyed sitting in my garden listening for different things I can hear, like the birds, dogs and tractors whilst having a little treat, mmmmmm!

Since I was little, I have loved colouring in and to limit my amount of screen time on the computer, phone or tablet, I have been busy doing some mindfulness colouring or reading a book.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about a few of the things I have been doing.

Take care,

Mrs Conetta