We worked together in groups to create and design posters advertising Fairtrade. We researched Fairtrade and used our ICT skills to create posters.
Primary 2/3 enjoyed carrying out activities based on the 2 times table. They had lots of fun playing the various games with their peers. Some of the children even enjoyed taking on the challenge of investigating the 4 times table.
Today we were learning about the properties of materials and then we used material to weave.
Christmas Party
When Santa Got Stuck Up My Chimney!
P2/3 enjoyed using their imaginations to create the ending to “If Santa was stuck up my chimney, I would…” We then used our artistic talents to create a collage chimney with Santa’s legs sticking out.
Writing and following a recipe
This week we cooked fairy cakes.
Measuring 100cm
Measuring 100cm/ 1 metre outside.
Glasgow Science Centre
Primary had a great time exploring the malls of the Science centre investigating forces, optical illusions, engineering and finding out about how the body works. They also participated in a workshop all about senses.
Fun with Money
P2/3 have been really enjoying carrying out money activities in numeracy. We have been calculating how much items cost, using coins to make different amounts and also giving change to one one another.
Christmas Fayre Craft
Primary 2/3 had lots of fun following instructions to make their sock snowmen to sell at the Christmas Fayre.