We investigated solids, liquids and gases. We dissolved 2 types os salt in a fair test to see which dissolved quicker. We watched raisins ‘dance’ in fizzy water and made chemical reactions with cola, mentos, lemon, vinegar, washing up liquid and bicarbonate of soda. Lots of interesting learning using kitchen ingredients. The favourite activity was creating the lava lamp with oil, water and syrup.
We had a great visit from Ayrshire Astronomical Society for STEM week. We learned so many interesting facts about the Stars and the Galaxy. We even had a go at looking through lots of different telescopes. I think we might have some buddying Scientists soon!
P2/3 enjoyed their STEM challenges in class of – Building a marble run, building a bridge over water, tallest tower challenge and building a raft to float on water holding 2 Lego pieces. Everyone worked enthusiastically as a team.
Today Primary 6 and 7 shared the electric car they made at STEM club. Next week we are exploring electrical circuits and creating our own in class and at the STEM lunchtime club.
P2/3 were confident individuals when they shared their learning about Katie Morag during assembly for parents, carers, friends and family. Well done P2/3!
Today we celebrated Number Day and Fairtrade. We cooked with Fairtrade ingredients and calculated the costs to make the products. We presented our results at assembly. We read letters from Ngoma Basic School in Zambia who we are supporting today with our fundraising as well as raising funds for the NSPCC.