A video to make you smile from all at Team Fenwick. Keep smiling and stay safe.
All posts by eagayle.eccleston@glow
Amelia sharing her learning
Amelia has been very busy and she has shared her learning with us. Thank you
Home Learning
I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Well done on completing lots of Education City and Giglets activities. We can see you are working hard.
Yesterday I learnt to draw a frog with Junior Daily Draw with The Little Art School at 11am on YouTube. Why not try it today?
To log in to Giglets select pupil.
Then username.
Add school code: fenwickps
Password: fenwickp1
Please note on the password it is a 1 not ‘l’
Learning Update
Please remember to check the Updates Page on the school website.
Staff have been working remotely from home and are in the process of making Learning Grids that will be available from the class blogs from Monday to supplement the learning packs issued and Education City and Giglets.
Please be aware there is no expectation to complete everything and these activities and tasks should be spread out over time.
Thank you for your support and understanding at this time.
Science through a window
As the weather begins to change, new plants are beginning to grow. Look out your window.
What plants and animals can you see?
Record what you see by drawing a picture.
Next week look out the same window again. Do you notice any changes? Draw and record what you see.
Try to do this every week and you’ll have a record of how nature changes and grows.
STEM week
We investigated solids, liquids and gases. We dissolved 2 types os salt in a fair test to see which dissolved quicker. We watched raisins ‘dance’ in fizzy water and made chemical reactions with cola, mentos, lemon, vinegar, washing up liquid and bicarbonate of soda. Lots of interesting learning using kitchen ingredients. The favourite activity was creating the lava lamp with oil, water and syrup.
Children from across the school created electrical circuits.
Then Primary 2/3 created their own circuits adding in switches, bulbs, motors and buzzers.
RBS Moneysense Workshop
Today we learnt about our needs and wants and costs with RBS and the Moneysense Workshop.
Design and Technology
Collaborative designing and building of farms with P2/3 and P7.