2 thoughts on “Successful and Confident Learners”

  1. Hi everyone, it’s Gracie. I have been busy learning the six times table. I have learned how to tell the time. We celebrated my Gran’s 68th Birthday and we took her to the beach in Troon.

    We made a rainbow cake for Gran and I’m about to read to my dad. We’re going to the woods later on. I have 4,378 points on Sumdog.

    Have a lovely weekend xx

    1. Hello Gracie
      Well done on learning the six times table and learning to tell the time. We have noticed how well you’ve been doing in SumDog, super effort, keep it up! That sounds like a lovely day out to celebrate your Gran’s birthday and the cake sounds delicious.
      Have a great weekend
      From Mrs Eccleston and Mrs McCallum

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