Morning boys and girls,
We hope you are still all keeping well and staying safe. The weather has been great which has been very helpful. Mrs Eccleston and I have continued to keep busy with our families. We would love to hear what you have been getting up to.
I went a big walk up Loudon Hill with my family at the weekend. I have never walked up it before and we had a great time. It was so nice to get out in the country for a wee while. We also went a bike ride and found some great mountain bike jumps. Sam loved it! The strawberry plants we have been growing are coming along nicely so hopefully they will soon be ripe and ready to eat. We finished off Zack and Beth’s sports day week and even I had to join in with an event! Beth had a virtual Brownie camp on Friday night with lots of other girls from Ayrshire. She really enjoyed the activities. We played a game of Boomblast which Zack loves, he likes to see the sticks pop everywhere. We have also played lots of Uno as we can all join in. Zack has been enjoying doing some Cosmic Yoga and Beth and I relaxed with a foot spa.
Mrs Eccleston has been really busy too.
This week we have been measuring in the garden, including the height of our sunflowers that we planted. We also explored capacity with different sized containers. We have played cards, drawn pictures and made some origami animals. We created some sea animals using Kinetic sand and we enjoyed going to meet up with a friend at the park. We’ve baked a pineapple upside down cake, scones, pancakes and rhubarb crumble. We made shadow shapes with our hands and Isla has been doing her guitar lessons online. Ruby made a mobile phone out of icing and Alistair has been very busy with lots of school work. We have been doing 30 days of Wildness by squelching our bare feet in the grass and making shapes from the clouds we see. Hope you are all having a good week.