Morning P2/3,
We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families and managed to get outside as much as possible, even although the weather hasn’t been as good.
This week there is a whole school focus on Health Week. Please see the ‘Learning Grid’ below with all your additional attachments to help complete your tasks. Thank you to Mrs Ross who has worked hard to create most of your activities. Have fun and we look forward to seeing all your Health Week photos.
The staff have created a Sports Day video for you all to watch. You might want to challenge yourself for your own Fenwick Primary Sports Day. We hope you enjoy watching it.
Health Week Learning Grid P2.3
Fenwick Staff Sports Day Video
Food and Health –
Lorax Activity –
Carrot-club-story-powerpoint (You might need an adult to read this story to you)
Carrot-club-2-5-and-10-multiplication (A challenge activity for those who want to carry it out)
Good morning from Amelia. I like the sports day video it was really funny. My favourite was the peg race.
Morning Amelia, I’m glad you liked the sports day video, we thought it was good fun too! So did our children. Have a great week and enjoy Health and Well-being with your family! Mrs Mccallum and Mrs Eccleston